And how does someone like him get better? You want him to get better through bum's love? Only professionals can help sangwoo, not bum. His crimes are monumental. There is no going back from this. He needs to die or locked up forever in jail or in a psychiatric ward. And yes, you are asking for too much. You have sympathy for the wrong person. You seem to forget he enjoyed torturing his victims before killing them. And please don't use his trauma as an excuse. But that does not justify the other murders. His parents were bad, I get it. But he himself is bad now, he needs to be put down. That itself would be an act of Mercy for sangwoo. He seems to be in agony.

Yeah it may sound quite romantic but I was expecting that sangwoo would found love and that maybe could have helped him with his psychological trauma. Yeah maybe I asked for too much. Furthemore, I don't reason sangwoo, of course he is a monster and has to be sent to asylum but, his sickness justifies his actions . I don't say he has the right to be a fucker, a murderer, a molester, I say he is all that coz he is sick and as I unfortunately saw, there is noone and nothing that can help him . Yeah, I was seeing a little improvement in his actions and behaviour, that's why I begun to hope but my hopes fell into the void
The only thing I see in the horizon for sangwoo is what his mother had predicted... A painful and horrible death.
People who read this story expecting a love story between sangwoo and bum are the ones getting disappointed by this turn of events. They thought bum and sangwoo would crazy fall in love and ride off into the sunset. I saw this coming from the very beginning. Sangwoo is mentally ill. He has trust issues. It was certain that he would turn on bum eventually. Psychopaths like him eventually go crazy. Sangwoo is nearing his peak. He is unraveling. This is not a love story. There will be no happy ending. So don't blame koogi for your fantasies. Fanon is not Canon.