best friend ii

gucciboijohn January 17, 2019 4:26 pm

i just confesed my love for my best friend even though he is not gay and now he wont even talk to me. what do i do?

    GoldenScale January 17, 2019 4:45 pm

    Leave him alone for a while '^'
    Clinging to him will get things worse.

    Ciel.phantomhive January 17, 2019 11:15 pm

    Honestly just wait a bit and dont give up, he will maybe fall in love with you or he’s trying to hide the fact that hes does because of the judgement, but stay strong!

    GoldenScale January 18, 2019 1:32 am
    Honestly just wait a bit and dont give up, he will maybe fall in love with you or he’s trying to hide the fact that hes does because of the judgement, but stay strong! Ciel.phantomhive

    Can I add the possibility that he's just not gay ? '^' And that he probably feels very uncomfortable because he had to reject someone so he just wants to stay away until he's sure that someone is over him ?