The art is fine but why does it not feel organic?

monne January 17, 2019 10:44 am

The characters are, how should I say this, they do not feel natural.

    Zeffyra January 17, 2019 10:51 am, define natural?
    ...coz, nothing in the manga world, nor in the anime world is natural enough to be called natural....

    monne January 17, 2019 2:55 pm, define natural?...coz, nothing in the manga world, nor in the anime world is natural enough to be called natural.... Zeffyra

    They have poor characterization and there's something a bit off with the character traits. Chinese manhwa often suffer from this problem.

    BanhBaozi January 18, 2019 1:23 pm

    That's the point I believe. Nothing about this webtoon is natural and it appears off because of its bizzare pacing, parodic clichés, and comedic purpose.

    Morcheeba January 24, 2019 11:05 pm

    I do see your point - though faced with this "uber cool" vampire and his (shocking!) spirit animal-form...... ( ̄∇ ̄")
    Natural... wouldn't the natural course of action be a stake through the animal... a toothpick. A toothpick should suffice.
    I guess you would refer to the feeling of "I can't empathize with any of those characters" - for when I really try to...*grabs toothpick*

    Daniela January 24, 2019 11:24 pm
    They have poor characterization and there's something a bit off with the character traits. Chinese manhwa often suffer from this problem. monne

    I wouldn’t expect much characterization from a super natural and COMEDY comic. Especially not when the vampire turns into a hamster when sucking blood.
    And I do t think they have poor characterization when looking at the type of serie it is, like you can’t really expect “a serious seme who never smiles nor laugh at jokes - ah he’s so cool~~”
    Then natural pffffffft this is a story where a VAMPIRE TURNS into a hamster then turns back through kissing like the frog prince lol

    Mixtress Bathory January 26, 2019 5:15 pm
    They have poor characterization and there's something a bit off with the character traits. Chinese manhwa often suffer from this problem. monne

    geez. this is a comedy. and it seems to be the satire type. you clearly are still expecting something from this manga and most likely will not get it or will not happen in the way you want. I think that is the author intentions. I see them laughing at the fans who take this hobby too seriously lol

    ShogunHogan February 12, 2019 11:45 pm

    It's a fucking supernatural vampire romantic comedy jackass, they're not supposed to seem "natural" they're supposed to be two things, hot and funny.