It feels like Senno developed a friendly feeling towards him. After all, he's the father of his daughter and they had to be in good terms in order for her to be raised properly. In the letter he specified that he HATED being an omega because he stole his brother's happiness, even though it was clearly not his intention. The circumstances just made it happen. He wasn't completely happy with his current lifestyle, he just had to get used to it because there was no going back. It's honestly so deep and sad
I really can't hate anybody here.. i will just say that wrong people come at wrong time...Yumma liked Hirono .. since he proposed that they will live together after high school...& Hirono blushing ...but again nothing was made cleared ....
again when we see Yumma blusing after recalling about senno .. it feels like he developed feelings for him after staying together for 5 years..then again it was not made clear whether it was romantic or a friendly one which was needed to raised their child....Then again when Senno wrote in his letter "i stole my brothr's happines" yet he was happy with his current lifestyle....feels like he too developed feelings for Yumma by this time & got guilty by it....but again nothing was made cleared..
At this point i only hate & blame the "time" & circumstance" ...but i dont want Hirono to end up with Yumma.. it will really feel like replacement now.... i just want him to keep in good terms with his brother's husband & kid...or else it will be more painful for him considering his past trauma....
For the second story Sei just played with him(omega's heart) ... since he got his revenge he disappeared from his sight.. but damned your wife was at fault too...that bitch never told that she was married why only punish the omega..?? Sei just came played with is heart..?? & vanished ..Not very manly sei