He Tian saying '' I'm afraid that you may forget me one day '' worries me. What does it mean? Does it have a deeper signification? Does he plan to leave? Does he know something awful is going to happen? What? Am I thinking too much?Otherwise, omg, I loved this chapter.
I think when Jian Yi disappears for secert mafia training, so will He Tian.
I was thinking the same!!Maybe he has to go back to his family....... HeTian HAS been trying to spend more time with Mo...( ̄∇ ̄")
He Tian saying '' I'm afraid that you may forget me one day '' worries me. What does it mean? Does it have a deeper signification? Does he plan to leave? Does he know something awful is going to happen? What? Am I thinking too much?
Otherwise, omg, I loved this chapter.