Utterly ridiculous plot

Mameiha January 12, 2019 5:15 am

And I loved every frame of it! Yes, it is silly and has no logic behind it, but damn if it isn't one of the sweetest stories I've read. You just want to sit back and enjoy the sweet ride. The fast pace keeps the reader from lingering on the lack of logic and the writing is done well enough that even the silly elements seem believable. Definitely a soul cleanser.

    Blubeagle January 12, 2019 5:38 am

    I totally agree.

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:00 am
    I totally agree. Blubeagle

    I'm not the most trusting of strangers, but if a handsome man found his way into my home and said he was my cat... I might just go along with it too. Buuuut, I'd keep my shotgun handy all the same! LMAO

    Blubeagle January 12, 2019 7:12 am
    I'm not the most trusting of strangers, but if a handsome man found his way into my home and said he was my cat... I might just go along with it too. Buuuut, I'd keep my shotgun handy all the same! LMAO Mameiha

    I had a man who turned into my Frog, and then turned into my husband. These interspecies love affairs can be equitable!

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:41 am
    I had a man who turned into my Frog, and then turned into my husband. These interspecies love affairs can be equitable! Blubeagle

    That made me laugh so hard! ROFLMAO My hubby is more like a hurricane. My nickname is FEMA because I'm always cleaning up after him!

    Blubeagle January 12, 2019 7:45 am

    Hahaha! That's awesome!

    Kirika42 June 30, 2019 5:26 am
    I'm not the most trusting of strangers, but if a handsome man found his way into my home and said he was my cat... I might just go along with it too. Buuuut, I'd keep my shotgun handy all the same! LMAO Mameiha
