Its okay not being masculine

Rei January 10, 2019 4:54 pm

One thing that i pick up the first time i reading Yamada to Shonen, even before i read the flashback at chapter 4, is that Chihiro is being too conscious of him seen not masculine enough as a guy. From him refusing Yamada bringing his shopping back by saying he is a guy too to even tremble at the sight of Yamada returning the apron with flower design in front of his male friend. The reason why Chihiro always come to that secret spot is also probably because that the only place where he can cry without his friend or his family see him. There is always this little scene that made feel that Chihiro try so hard to maintain this persona of him just an ordinary high school boy.

That why Chihiro become comfortable around Yamada. Yamada has seen the crybaby and effeminate side of Chihiro, but instead telling him to be more manly just like his family on the flashback (Also i hate when people especially parent, say that boy can't play with bunny or must like soccer/football), Yamada always say "That it'll be okay" and encourage Chihiro to not overthinking thing too much. With Yamada, Chihiro can wear that apron with girly design that he can't wear anywhere. With Yamada, Chihiro can cry in front of someone. With Yamada. And with Yamada, Chihiro can finally act natural as himself without thinking all that complicated thing of being a masculine guy.

Probably that big reason why i really like Chihiro as a character and his development with Yamada for the better. You see, i kinda once too conscious about me don't get along with most of the boy at my age during my early teenage year. They all like soccer and rock music, while i am not really good at sport and listening to pop music like Katy Perry or Lady Gaga, not to mention a bookworm. When i got to first class in high school, i even realize how detached i am with most of the guy, when one of guy (My best friend until know) kinda approach me because i am always so quiet and invite him to hang out with his friend. Most of topic that they talk is soccer or football which at the time i not really into, but i somehow keep hanging out with them because they still pretty nice for quiet guy like me. Then when i move to the second year, i got out of my way to watch football match, learn the basic strategy and tactic, and even choose my favorite club so i got some topic i can talk with the other guy. Well i kinda into football genuinely right know, even though i still can't play it because how unathletic i am, but i still sometimes laugh thinking about it right know.

If i meet someone like Yamada who gonna say everything will be okay, i would not probably overthinking me being not masculine enough, to the point i forcefully develop a new hobby so just i can hang out with more guy, lol. So if you are in any way like Chihiro or me, just know that its okay not being seen masculine enough as a guy. Who give a fuck about that anyway? Just wear that flowery apron anytime and cry when you are sad. It will be okay in the end.

    Rex January 10, 2019 7:22 pm

    Thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ