Creepy fans

Sugureta January 9, 2019 8:34 pm

Out of topic.
I wonder why Koreans and Japanese call it 'scandal', especially on the girls part, when their Idols are getting a bf/gf.

Do they think their idols are gods/goddesses?
that they are their property?
I have seen so much of these, worst around the early 2000, where when an idol even they are of age, get their career ended just because they have a gf/bf and their fans doesn't like it because they want their idols to look pure.

Worst on the girls part because the fans will think she is a slut and tainted or the Actor linked to the Actress' fans will bully the Actress.

Its damn creepy. @_@

    ikanaide January 9, 2019 9:49 pm

    i will use jenkai (blackpink jennie and exo kai) example to talk about my opinion.
    this sudden couple was suspicious and i still think was also a marketing made by their companies. btw, many fans, specially korean ones, like to see idols as their own property or/and object, ignoring the fact that, even if they're supposed to be "kind" to the public, idols are still human and need respect - they can fall in love with someone as well. neither the public nor their agencies can prevent this. #-.-)

    Haneulshin January 10, 2019 3:10 am

    You do know most Koreans truly dont give a fuck about idols and who they date, right? There are certain companies who promote idols sort of like how Disney promotes their child actors. Very pure,innocent,with many restrictions and rules, so due to this, it attracts certain fans who do treat idols like objects or their own possessions. Its fucked up but Companies do this on purpose to make cash off these type of very loyal fan. So thats why its sort of “scandal”, because these fans know that these companies make these sort of rules. But normal Koreans who do like these idols don’t actually care at all, they are like everyone else where they want their favorite singer or actor to be in a healthy relationship with a significant other. These really disgusting fans do not represent the majority because as a Korean myself i dont give a fuck who dates who.

    Haneulshin January 10, 2019 3:13 am
    You do know most Koreans truly dont give a fuck about idols and who they date, right? There are certain companies who promote idols sort of like how Disney promotes their child actors. Very pure,innocent,with m... Haneulshin

    And by rules i mean no dating, no drinking, no basically bad publicity to an idol.

    Sugureta January 13, 2019 9:29 pm
    And by rules i mean no dating, no drinking, no basically bad publicity to an idol. Haneulshin

    I also want to put there 'most Koreans and Japanese' but since the post can't be edited so I will just mention it here.

    The thing is, I have seen a lot of shows, concerts, performances that I think most of Korean fans are kinda creepy,
    example: Girls Gen; when they started to get popular and there was a rumor that Super Junior were in talking terms with them, obviously because they are in the same company, what did the latters fandom did? The black ocean, remember?

    There are also a lot of hate, on the girls part and some had their career ended and too many to mention, because they were linked to a guy idol.
    The guys still has their job, the girls ended theirs.
    Even they are of age they think having a bf/gf is a scandal, Its weird.

    IComparing Korean idols are totally different from Disney idols.
    I mean even when Miley was still in Hanna Montanna, innocent years, and was linked to a guy and had a boyfriend, heck she was not of age, but still it was cool.
    It only changed when she decided to be a reacking ball.
    While in Korea, their idol just got a bf/gf, in their 20+, and all hell break loose.

    Still creepy.