For anyone who loves this manga and Maomao, I also recommend Warau Kanoko-sama and it's se...

orangeheaven January 9, 2019 3:55 pm

For anyone who loves this manga and Maomao, I also recommend Warau Kanoko-sama and it's sequel Koi dano Ai dano. The protagonist of that manga and Maomao are very similar (cold/cool, pragmatic, clever, strong, and obsessed with their own interest/experiments to the point of being sort of a weirdo). Even the male leads in the mangas are really similar.

    kickassfu January 11, 2019 2:50 pm

    I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT MANGA!! THANKS! It's re-reading time lool you're an angel!

    AverageWeirdo January 12, 2019 7:26 pm

    Haha, oh man, i remember those! Could never get through them for some reason tho #-.-)

    Blubeagle April 18, 2019 11:26 pm

    Thank you for your recommendation!