I think his plan was to get money and the president has more of it to offer than the vice-president. Add to that, he also gets to work for that money doing something much easier and less dangerous than being a detective. I have to say, my favorite line was, "A million yen won't get my watch repaired." It reminds me of guys who would offer me $100 to sleep with them when I was working in adult entertainment. At that time in my life, I could have wiped my ass with hundred dollar bills. I could make $100 simply by sitting at a table and drinking champagne for 20 minutes. Why, in God's name, would I let a guy put his nastiness that close to me for any sum, let alone a measly $100? I pissed off many an arrogant guy when I laughed in their face at their offer. Hell, I turned down offers of thousands of dollars, I sure as hell am going to turn down $100. LMAO Don't get me wrong, I thought about doing it, especially when I was offered $12k in cash, right in my hand. Oh boy, did I think about doing it! In the end, I couldn't though. I'd never be able to look in the mirror and be proud of who I saw if I did. I can't judge those who do do that, however. I know what it feels like to need money, or want money, and that is one hell of an easy option. If my life, at the time I was offered that $12k, had been tougher or if I had been desperate, I might have given in and done it.
So his plan was to get the president all along?