Today's Raws

Madelyne January 5, 2019 3:11 pm

Spoiler alert
Why does the mang aka feel the need to kill everyone off? I'm so confused... like why
How can they just go and kill aroma I wasn't amazingly fond of him but I didn't want him to die. I also really wanted to see him fight more as head exorcist.

We've already had 2 guardians die in recent chapters and although one got replaced Miku doesn't have any descendants so who is gonna replace her. And even though those two will be replaced they will be newbies how are they gonna be as strong as their predecessors in the time they've got left before they are gonna fight. Even Mayura still isn't as strong as she need to be.

On top of that shimons in the hospital. Maybe I'm being pesmistic because I've had a bad day and all my Mangas seem to be going though and sad point in their plot but Jesus.

I'm probably being pessimistic because I've had a bad day and will wake up tommorowing thinking everything is fine.... maybe

    WickedVixen January 7, 2019 6:02 am

    *eyes bulge
    *jaw drops
    *eyes tear up