Is it weird?

Stavious January 4, 2019 9:34 am

So some weird drama ensured in the new year, so my nephew who came out as gay, personally i don't really give a shit what your sexual orientation, as long as you ain't hurting anybody then that's fine and as well as not to force people your ideals than that is also fine, heck i even am one of the many people in the family who actually did not give that much issue to his coming out. However strangely when people who are trans come out as a trans woman/man, i don't see them as that since i believe that no matter how you do your pills and even a sex surgery your sex be it male or female will stay the same. What I'm saying is that is it weird that I accept gay,lesbian,bi heck even asexual(though i just think they are just people who just don't wanna get involved w/people romantically) but I lowkey will not accept a trans person, as what they claim to be, though i won't disrespect them, i will never call them to the pronouns that they will use, but rather use words person/ that one, or even their pronoun that they were in.

PS: Pls don't get offended cuz I'm already sick and tired of hearing SJW shit and whatever, those type of things actually made me not take this issue (in regards to tran) seriously, so yeah

    daifuku-san January 4, 2019 9:46 am

    I don't know why you can't quite accept trans, but may I ask why it is that you can't understand them?
    They are people that are born in the wrong body(i.e. a female brain in a male body) and don't feel comfortable in their own skin and therefore want to alter their body to feel better. Although some undergo transformation because of trauma too

    Although I'm not trans so I can't exactly speak from their viewpoint but those are my beliefs? haha

    Also by not calling them by their preferred pronouns, that's pretty disrespectful, no?

    JPEG January 4, 2019 9:48 am

    Yeah, and 30 years earlier you might have been saying "I accept black people but not gay people." The fact of the matter is, you feel this way because you're a product of your times, and whilst homosexuality has become acceptable within the frame of mainstream ideology, trans movements are still fighting their way towards acceptance. So, whilst I think it's incredibly wrong to not accept trans people, it makes sense that you wouldn't.

    Since you don't want people to be sensitive, I'll be blunt with you. It seems that you don't really think for yourself, and act on the basis of emotions that the world has conditioned you with. Good people try to escape the times and its instincts, and focus on what is better for humanity. Accepting that other people feel more comfortable in other bodies makes you a better person, simply put.

    Anonymous January 4, 2019 9:51 am

    I'm w you in this one. But sadly, dear, voicing out our opinion in this apparently makes us "-phobic"

    Anonymous January 4, 2019 9:55 am

    I also agree with you, idk why but to me once you're born with a certain gender you stay like that biologically speaking, even if they do surgeries or take pills.
    However If they want to act like a man or woman being the opposite sex I won't mind, if they want me to use certain pronoun with them I'll do it or just call them by their names.

    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ idk if this is contradictory but that's what I think, honestly.

    Stavious January 4, 2019 10:04 am
    I don't know why you can't quite accept trans, but may I ask why it is that you can't understand them? They are people that are born in the wrong body(i.e. a female brain in a male body) and don't feel comforta... daifuku-san

    firstly im from the Philippines, you can sort of peg as to why from there.
    Second, another is that in where im from in the philippines, from what i notice, though being trans is tolerated, most people (from what i noticed) tend to downplay it.
    The main reason why for me is that, i just don't see them as people in the wrong body, I think of them as people who just prefer to act feminine or masculine. (something akin to a personality trait, which isn't bad itself/ rather i see them as similar to people into drag/).
    Another reason why is that, all though you want others to call them the desired pronoun, I don't think others will take it to easy, not to mention there are times that trans people often used the public bathroom, which as a guy I have no problem, but what if a trans woman(female brain w/ male body) got in and were to do some questionable things. Though this is not a common occurance but it could happen.

    Not sure if this is the factor but there was a time here in my school that they tried to make trans rights a thing, initially only a few were vocal the rest were having better things to do, but after 2 months they with held this policy due to some people abusing it. Such as guys claiming they are trans just so they could go in the restroom of the opposite sex.

    That's why im sort of reluctant about trans people as some of them may just be people looking to mess around with you.

    In wherever you are from s this to shallow or not cuz we do have different standards.

    Stavious January 4, 2019 10:08 am
    Yeah, and 30 years earlier you might have been saying "I accept black people but not gay people." The fact of the matter is, you feel this way because you're a product of your times, and whilst homosexuality ha... JPEG

    I guess you're right, however I'm not sure if I will be able to fully accept them, perhaps the next generation may do that, since they just properly introduced sex education from where im from(I'm from the Philippines btw).

    RaeAir January 4, 2019 10:32 am

    You are correct in a way. Sex is what you are born as, so even if you indetify as a male if you are born with a vagina your sex is still female. Gender identity is a different thing though. People who are trans have to deal with something called gender dysphoria. It’s where your entire being is telling you that your in the wrong body. It’s a tough thing to deal with even without being surrounded by a none supportive environment.
    Also if the guys who were ‘claiming to be trans to try and get into the women’s bathroom’ weren’t trans then why hate the trans community for that?
    It’s important to know that a lot of countries have past laws to let people use the bathroom that they identify with because there have been many cases where trans people have been attacked for using their assigned sex’s bathroom. The whole ‘getting attacked in a locker room or bathroom’ because of the bathroom laws is based merely on fear rather than fact at least in Canada and America according to statistics.
    This article talks about it a little bit:

    RaeAir January 4, 2019 10:33 am
    You are correct in a way. Sex is what you are born as, so even if you indetify as a male if you are born with a vagina your sex is still female. Gender identity is a different thing though. People who are trans... RaeAir

    I just think that people can do whatever they want with their body because it’s their body? As long as your not hurting anyone who really cares. Just a personal opinion though.

    lou January 4, 2019 11:09 am

    yea. some parts of your argument are valid. however, not addressing them with their preferred pronouns could be disrespectful especially if you're talking to them. you did say that you wouldn't disrespect them. i think normalizing to address them properly is a big step in doing so.

    think of it this way,

    "miss" has the same meaning as "woman" but we use "miss" to address the ladies because it holds more courtesy. randomly calling someone "woman" will make her uncomfortable or offended.

    the same should go for transpeople. if calling them with their "correct" pronouns makes them uncomfortable or offended, maybe stop doing it?

    i'm not trans and it's not my intention to pretend i know jackshit either. i am just sharing my take on this.

    Ashyoki January 4, 2019 11:42 am

    i respect your opinion but what i don't like is that "i will never call them to the pronouns that they will use," as i trans person myself that's a bit disrespectful,,

    InsomniacEnigma January 4, 2019 12:28 pm
    yea. some parts of your argument are valid. however, not addressing them with their preferred pronouns could be disrespectful especially if you're talking to them. you did say that you wouldn't disrespect them.... lou

    Tbh I feel kinda apathetic towards trans since it doesn't concern me that much. Whatever they do to they body is their decision. However, for courtesy's sake I just call them they/"person's name", I find it too troublesome to keep in mind about what gender they want to be called; would that still count as being disrespectful? I thought it's a safe option to do that.

    lou January 4, 2019 12:45 pm
    Tbh I feel kinda apathetic towards trans since it doesn't concern me that much. Whatever they do to they body is their decision. However, for courtesy's sake I just call them they/"person's name", I find it too... InsomniacEnigma

    m8, i personally don't think that using "they" or "them" to refer to transpeople is disrespectful. tho i still think it's better we know whether they're okay with it.

    if you find keeping in mind what gender they want to be called troublesome, then let me ask you this: would you prefer me casually calling you enigma irl just because it's your social media handle?

    InsomniacEnigma January 4, 2019 1:51 pm
    m8, i personally don't think that using "they" or "them" to refer to transpeople is disrespectful. tho i still think it's better we know whether they're okay with it.if you find keeping in mind what gender they... lou

    I see, that's understandable. Also, tbh it would catch me off-guard at first (like id say "how'd u know I use that site?!"), then I'd probably get used to it after awhile and go with it. Idc what label u put me in, as long as it's not blatantly insulting.

    Kaiawase. January 4, 2019 2:26 pm

    Asexuals don't feel sexual attraction. That is all. They can be in romantic relationships, they just don't initiate sex, they can do just fine without it. Yes, they can have sex, they can even masturbate, some of them don't want to, don't have the need to, are even repulsed, but they don't avoid romantic relationships as you said.
    Aromantic people are people who don't feel romantic attraction. They can be repulsed and therefore avoid it on purpose.
    Now, about your opinion- I too am a bit confused by that because I just can't see trans people as mentally healthy enough. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying they're insane and disgusting. I don't think that. I actually respect them a lot, they're brave, I call them by what they want me to call them and I am always careful with my words around them because some of them may be going through a lot. But I feel like they have body dysmorphia and changing genders won't really help them since they're just trying to fit into the patriarchal stereotypes of a man and woman. Being a man or a woman is so much more. And we can clearly see that with certain people who embrace their femininity or masculinity despite their sex and/or gender. I feel like the system did us such harm that people can't be comfortable in their own skin. I also feel like there isn't enough research to help solve the problem of dysmorphia, only the ways that require money and that support the capitalistic dominance.

    Stavious January 4, 2019 3:39 pm
    i respect your opinion but what i don't like is that "i will never call them to the pronouns that they will use," as i trans person myself that's a bit disrespectful,, Ashyoki

    I'm sorry if it did offend you but personally I think of it as just trying to play safe, since I really don't wanna offend others even more, I would not use their prefered prounous but would opt to use gender neutral pronouns/ prounouns that don't have any sort of gender conotations (like we have here in the philippines as all pronouns don't just directly point, I use the pronoun, siya and would often code switch in the middle of the conversation just so I would avoid using english pronouns.) BTW thanks for your input, cuz i really was looking for someone trans to address this and am hoping to possibly help me understand why people like you think the way they do. :)

    Ashyoki January 4, 2019 8:58 pm
    I'm sorry if it did offend you but personally I think of it as just trying to play safe, since I really don't wanna offend others even more, I would not use their prefered prounous but would opt to use gender n... Stavious

    ohhh ok and your welcome,,

    and i hope soon you'll understand why we do what we do and think the way we think, i hope you have a lovely morning/evening/night