HOW is this shit so effortlessly funny???? lmao i love this authors sense of humor they're so fucking weird like goddamn bitch how you come with so many bizzare and lowkey jokes? Now thats what i call TALENT! This shit is just so fucking funny but also chill?? Like it doesnt overdo the humor, heck you(I) could have even missed so many little jokes you wouldnt have thought were there like its just soooooooo weird and dense yet still wholesome and down to earth so you wouldnt think what they were doing or saying had like a joke in it. I also like how consesual & healthy this shit is, the uke is outspoken about how much he loves the sex and how good the dick appointment is like u dont usually see that shit and i also love how caring and wanting of consent and wellbeing the seme is, like i stan this wholesomeness all around.
HOW is this shit so effortlessly funny???? lmao i love this authors sense of humor they're so fucking weird like goddamn bitch how you come with so many bizzare and lowkey jokes? Now thats what i call TALENT! This shit is just so fucking funny but also chill?? Like it doesnt overdo the humor, heck you(I) could have even missed so many little jokes you wouldnt have thought were there like its just soooooooo weird and dense yet still wholesome and down to earth so you wouldnt think what they were doing or saying had like a joke in it. I also like how consesual & healthy this shit is, the uke is outspoken about how much he loves the sex and how good the dick appointment is like u dont usually see that shit and i also love how caring and wanting of consent and wellbeing the seme is, like i stan this wholesomeness all around.