Hmm I sure miss those flip phones anyway, what was this about lol oh, yeah 2 friends inlov...

Cake Overlordess January 2, 2019 10:01 pm

Hmm I sure miss those flip phones anyway, what was this about lol oh, yeah 2 friends inlove with each other one inviting him out to dinner once a month. I loved this cute story(except for the guy saying he wanted to choke him to death)so damn smexy too.

    Mameiha January 26, 2019 11:47 pm

    I think it was an, "I can't have you and I want to make the pain of it go away.", type situation. Remember, he said they were in middle school at the time. So, pubescent hormones + pubescent thinking = stupidity. LOL

    Cake Overlordess January 27, 2019 1:48 am
    I think it was an, "I can't have you and I want to make the pain of it go away.", type situation. Remember, he said they were in middle school at the time. So, pubescent hormones + pubescent thinking = stupidit... Mameiha

    Hahaha I think you're right.

    ALisAnimeLover February 11, 2021 1:45 am

    I thought he has bdsm tendencies