so first of all, when we were in elementary school ( thats also when i got to know about it ) he always had little tags on pens so that he would know the colour and wouldnt have to ask. And well idk if that helps but when we did things in sport class the teacher had some bandage things made with numbers instead of colors so he would know which teams is his and which the enemy one. he can see blackish, whiteish and greyish so he can still stlighty tell the difference but that made it easier.
then when we were in our early teens he started to feel consious about dressing since he wouldnt know which colors go well with each other to the point that he wouldnt leave the house until someone told him if what he is wearing is good or not. he started tagging his clothes and wrote down which combinations were fine and also asked us ( his friends ) to go shopping with him. he was colorblind since birth so he was always curious about the " concept of colors" idk how to say it. we kinda started talking about colors with.. emotions :D? sorry its kinda strange but when talking about blue for example the first thing that came to my mind was water so i kinda said blue feels cold. and it was really really hard for him to relate to that. sorry if that doesnt really fit to what you asked
another things that we talked about a lot is that he kinda fells disconnect and apart from "normal" people because he wouldnt be able to share happiness about fireworks or paintings or whatever revolves around colors. he used to cover his ears when he was younger when he felt left out and later when he was older said to us that he did that because it made him feel less under pressure to fit in. now its not really that big of a deal for him anymore but it started affecting him pretty bad when he was 11/12 i guess because he started to be more aware that he is a bit different to others.
what made him suffer a lot was when someone said things like " well at least you are not blind so its not a big deal" or something. Even tho its " just not seeing every colour" it can make people suffer really bad. i am sure there are people that where effected more severly than my friends but i also didnt know how bad it can make someone feel so i am glad if people could not take it as something minor <3
i will ask him later if there are better things to tell you since that was just really little of how it affects him but i hope that also helped a bit
sorry if i am making your notifications blow up :D but what also is a big thing, and i guess thats for many people that suffer from that, that they can be very bad with bright light and getting headaches. he suffers from migraine since he is little so he his kinda a night person :D but special sunglasses help him do adapt. also he gets motionssick fast and is also not good with crowded places because everything kinda looks the same shmuggy colour :D thats what he said but i am really not sure how to translate that in proper english
In high school I was in yearbook with my friend who was the editor and partially colorblind. He always got two colors mixed up. Usually it didn't bother him but occasionally he needed a second opinion on what color something was on a layout. I've had a teaching who had trouble with stop light colors. Luckily they don't swap up the order of those.
Hello everyone, sorry for writing this here but I need help. I have to write an esssay about people who are colorblinde. I don´t have anyone around me who has this problem. If you know someone or you yourself suffer from this condition could please write me how it affects your daily life or if there are any aids that help you.
I´ll apreciate any kind of help. (●'◡'●)ノ