bl manga/manhwa recos
I think my frontal lobe has developed
I know this might seem out of the blue but, can I get Harco fics with posse...
How do you switch to multi pages?
spam commentor guy
Trying to find manhwa/manga/manhua
Gosh, BL is soggy (so-gauy)…
have yall noticed increased traffic recently? comments getting 50+ likes ea...
im in love with my stepbrother...
Hi guys im having trouble remebering much about this one since it was ongoing when i was reading this Yaoi
But I just remember that it wese these two hot guys who had a rocky start to begin with but once they started dating they were living together and I think one of the guys is Rich and his dad own a company or something and they go to a company party together and the guy who is not rich feels disconnected by his partner and feels like they come from two different worlds and hes not good enough for him. he tried to also make out with him but he was apparently too tired for indication to him they should break up even though he still loved him he felt the rich guy probably didnt love him back so he tells him he thinks they should break up and the guy seems mad and says Fine, and their both sad and mad and the chapters ends and thst all i remember agh does anyone know the name vased on that recap of that chapter lol