I am against shotcon

sakurakou January 1, 2019 9:45 pm

I seriously think shotacon manga should be banned made illegal , tracked and anyone who draw them should be mentally checked , fight me on this and if not then give me tump up to know how many support not support shotcon mangas specially those who obviously promote pedophilia rape of children who 10 years or younger .

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:24 pm
    darling morals are just for a show. everyone is capable of everything. u just need the right trigger. im not trying to be a good person nor im trying to go to heaven, i just want to persue my goals. Psycho


    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:27 pm
    I read tons of shota and yet I dont find any attraction to children. Am I just a rare case or are you assuming a lot of things based on your own guilt. @Anonymous

    If youre turned on by it then there's a great chance you're a pedo but in denial, maybe you haven't found the right prey yet

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:30 pm
    Still irl many adults fantasy about rape (being raped or raping soemone) and if they dont act on these fantasies its considered rather normal.But if you get turned on by children you have disorder. It's how it ... @Ok

    that doesn't change anything. just because adults fantasize about rape doesn't make rape okay. nor does it make it better than shota. just because more people fantasize about murder doesn't make murder lesser of a crime.

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:31 pm
    I live for generalisations. Tell me more. @Anonymous

    ur morals and ur everything depends on ur enviroment. so i should say that if i lived in another place, another period and with another upbringing there is a high chance that my morals would be different. so yes, if i lived in canada or whatever maybe i would have a different view. but i live where i live and i am what i am, if u have a problem with that u may leave.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:34 pm
    ur morals and ur everything depends on ur enviroment. so i should say that if i lived in another place, another period and with another upbringing there is a high chance that my morals would be different. so ye... Psycho

    Hoho and here I thought it is factored by genetics, all patologies in your organism like unstable hormons, and then your upbringing, your wealth, enviroments. Etc.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:34 pm
    that doesn't change anything. just because adults fantasize about rape doesn't make rape okay. nor does it make it better than shota. just because more people fantasize about murder doesn't make murder lesser o... @Anonymous

    You just completly missed the point.

    YuzukiMikage January 1, 2019 11:37 pm

    Its not like people who draw those awakens their inner predators. They don't even have time to cook a proper meal, so its not really possible that they would harass a child.

    And I personally think the artists drawing loli and shota porn is not that interested in even doing that to a child irl.
    Since they always draw them in a way that audiences prefer.

    Plus hikikomori artists are not the very least interested with 3D children nevertheless a normal human.

    I get that someone can be influenced under this category but the chances of a person turning into a child predator because of mangas like these is quite slim. Miyazaki being the well known one ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    What the real problem is Japanese AV. Their videos literally promotes pedophilia. And when you go to a red light district specifically between 1am or 3am there are alot of underage girls as low as 11 that sell their bodies.

    And the owners of those literally gets mad if someone takes a picture even from the outside because of the female workers working promoting the shop. Since their pimp bussines would get exposed.

    Theres a non spoken rule in Japan that it's alright to make illegal shit if you're not gonna get caught.

    But I prefer 1000 year old shotas and lolis so meh.

    YuzukiMikage January 1, 2019 11:38 pm

    Its not like people who draw those awakens their inner predators. They don't even have time to cook a proper meal, so its not really possible that they would harass a child.

    And I personally think the artists drawing loli and shota porn is not that interested in even doing that to a child irl.
    Since they always draw them in a way that audiences prefer.

    Plus hikikomori artists are not the very least interested with 3D children nevertheless a normal human.

    I get that someone can be influenced under this category but the chances of a person turning into a child predator because of mangas like these is quite slim. Miyazaki being the well known one ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    What the real problem is Japanese AV. Their videos literally promotes pedophilia. And when you go to a red light district specifically between 1am or 3am there are alot of underage girls as low as 11 that sell their bodies.

    And the owners of those literally gets mad if someone takes a picture even from the outside because of the female workers working promoting the shop. Since their pimp bussines would get exposed.

    Theres a non spoken rule in Japan that it's alright to make illegal shit if you're not gonna get caught.

    But I prefer 1000 year old shotas and lolis so meh.

    slim thicc queen January 1, 2019 11:39 pm

    paedophilia irl is bad, rape irl is bad, but as long as it's fiction banning it is just infringing on freedom of the press. so i disagree ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    if they banned all the stuff in fiction that are bad irl, yaoi and all it's shitty rapey cringy mysoginistic excuses for plots wouldn't exist, and that would be great. but a lot of het hentai wouldn't exist either, and that wouldn't be so great. get your morals in check and maybe i'll consider your point of view. heh

    cHecK tHE TaGs FIrSt

    i'm not saying i like shota though. cuz i don't

    Deus vult January 1, 2019 11:39 pm
    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:39 pm
    Hoho and here I thought it is factored by genetics, all patologies in your organism like unstable hormons, and then your upbringing, your wealth, enviroments. Etc. @Anonymous

    ur genes is another factor. but ur genes define ur mental health. the only other factor is ur enviroment. and when i say enviroment i mean the ones u mentioned above.

    u can not win here my friend.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:40 pm
    ur morals and ur everything depends on ur enviroment. so i should say that if i lived in another place, another period and with another upbringing there is a high chance that my morals would be different. so ye... Psycho

    Also in civilised countries the "morales" are rather simmilar. And the basic morales are the same nearly everywhere.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:41 pm
    If youre turned on by it then there's a great chance you're a pedo but in denial, maybe you haven't found the right prey yet @Anonymous

    there are plenty of kids around, if I was a pedo in denial, i wouldn't wait for the right prey. unfortunately, unlike what you and many think, reading shota doesn't equate to attraction to children. just as reading rape for entertaining purposes, reading shota carries the same attitude. depending on the person reading shota means differently. but the argument still boils down to the fact that both are wrong. no one here who reads and enjoy rape should be defending it against shota. that's just being hypocritical.

    slim thicc queen January 1, 2019 11:42 pm
    paedophilia irl is bad, rape irl is bad, but as long as it's fiction banning it is just infringing on freedom of the press. so i disagree ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭if they banned all the stuff in fiction that are bad i... slim thicc queen

    it's only tolerable if the shota is topping though

    k January 1, 2019 11:42 pm
    paedophilia irl is bad, rape irl is bad, but as long as it's fiction banning it is just infringing on freedom of the press. so i disagree ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭if they banned all the stuff in fiction that are bad i... slim thicc queen

    freedom of press > sexualizing children

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:43 pm
    Also in civilised countries the "morales" are rather simmilar. And the basic morales are the same nearly everywhere. @Anonymous

    u said about "what if". im saying that how u see morals is subjective.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:43 pm
    ur genes is another factor. but ur genes define ur mental health. the only other factor is ur enviroment. and when i say enviroment i mean the ones u mentioned above. u can not win here my friend. Psycho

    Your genes dont just determinate your mental health Hun.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:44 pm
    You just completly missed the point. @Anonymous

    There was no point to miss though.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:46 pm
    There was no point to miss though. @Anonymous

    grow some braincells then come back and read the thread

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:46 pm
    u said about "what if". im saying that how u see morals is subjective. Psycho

    And i'm not the anon who said something about canada.