I am against shotcon

sakurakou January 1, 2019 9:45 pm

I seriously think shotacon manga should be banned made illegal , tracked and anyone who draw them should be mentally checked , fight me on this and if not then give me tump up to know how many support not support shotcon mangas specially those who obviously promote pedophilia rape of children who 10 years or younger .

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:04 pm
    ikr I hate that murderers, rapists, theifs, terrorists are jailed why judge other ppl smh @Anonymous

    they are judged by the law not by some ignorant teenagers.

    Mango January 1, 2019 11:06 pm
    Rape and shota are both made for entertaining purposes though. If you masturbate off to rape, you're clearly into weird shit, if you masturbate to shota, you're clearly a pedophile. But the argument comes down ... @0987

    THANK YOU! My god why is this so hard to understand.

    0987 January 1, 2019 11:07 pm
    But you know by this logic,if mangakas write something fucked up,they're messed irl,I guess we should start jailing them for writing gore,and murder. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Mango

    Yes. Please. Keep it safe for all of us, not just for our special Op who's only disgusted by shota for some reason.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:07 pm
    Rape and shota are both made for entertaining purposes though. If you masturbate off to rape, you're clearly into weird shit, if you masturbate to shota, you're clearly a pedophile. But the argument comes down ... @0987

    I don't like both but I think one is much more disgusting than the other(shota)

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:08 pm
    Can't tell if troll hiding behind Anonymous name. Muted. Think what you will. HeilHydra

    Ok good for you, at least you backed off with the ooga booga trolls excuse when you couldn't argue back instead of ad hominem :)

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:09 pm
    they are judged by the law not by some ignorant teenagers. Psycho

    Law says child porn is gross and illegal it's not just some "ignornant teenagers" ops

    KQueen January 1, 2019 11:10 pm

    as long as it is not portrayed in a good way or romanticized then i dont see a problem with it

    Mango January 1, 2019 11:11 pm
    I don't like both but I think one is much more disgusting than the other(shota) @Anonymous

    Okay let's just say it this way,if you saw a sex tape,where someone was actually being raped,not just roleplay,would it be okay? Don't argue just answer.

    0987 January 1, 2019 11:12 pm
    I don't like both but I think one is much more disgusting than the other(shota) @Anonymous

    Fact is both are morally wrong (illegal and by same standards). Opinion is you think one is more disgusting than the other.
    And based on facts, both should be banned according to Op's logic. If that is not the case then why bring up the argument in the first place.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:14 pm
    Okay let's just say it this way,if you saw a sex tape,where someone was actually being raped,not just roleplay,would it be okay? Don't argue just answer. Mango

    Wtf is this retarded question? Why are you acting as if I like rape and I'm defending it? I don't even read yaoi because it's homophobic and full of rape. I'm just saying if someone reads rape it's better than someone who reads shota because if you do you're a pedophile while the other doesn't make you a rapist.

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:15 pm
    Law says child porn is gross and illegal it's not just some "ignornant teenagers" ops @Anonymous

    but this is not child porn, is fiction. and did u study law? i dont think so.

    Ok January 1, 2019 11:16 pm
    Fact is both are morally wrong (illegal and by same standards). Opinion is you think one is more disgusting than the other. And based on facts, both should be banned according to Op's logic. If that is not the ... @0987

    Still irl many adults fantasy about rape (being raped or raping soemone) and if they dont act on these fantasies its considered rather normal.
    But if you get turned on by children you have disorder. It's how it is.

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:18 pm
    Still irl many adults fantasy about rape (being raped or raping soemone) and if they dont act on these fantasies its considered rather normal.But if you get turned on by children you have disorder. It's how it ... @Ok

    actually, u dont need to have a disorder to like shota/loli. it is more complicated than u think.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:18 pm
    but this is not child porn, is fiction. and did u study law? i dont think so. Psycho

    con mangas are illegal in canada. so would your opinion change if you was born there? Does laws define your morals? Think about it if you were born in another place you'd be a criminal, maybe that will change your mind lol

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:19 pm
    actually, u dont need to have a disorder to like shota/loli. it is more complicated than u think. Psycho

    I wrote if you get TURNED ON by children. Simple?

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:21 pm
    Wtf is this retarded question? Why are you acting as if I like rape and I'm defending it? I don't even read yaoi because it's homophobic and full of rape. I'm just saying if someone reads rape it's better than ... @Anonymous

    I read tons of shota and yet I dont find any attraction to children. Am I just a rare case or are you assuming a lot of things based on your own guilt.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:21 pm
    actually, u dont need to have a disorder to like shota/loli. it is more complicated than u think. Psycho

    Also shotacon sare actually banned in some countries but stories which contain rape arent. Hmm why?

    Mango January 1, 2019 11:21 pm
    Wtf is this retarded question? Why are you acting as if I like rape and I'm defending it? I don't even read yaoi because it's homophobic and full of rape. I'm just saying if someone reads rape it's better than ... @Anonymous

    Don't freak out I'm just trying to explain something,and trying to make the op see their weird logic. You don't read rape,that's fine,but the op does. And the stories she/he are reading is putting the characters in a situation where they're actually being raped,she/he clearly enjoys it,and that's fine,now if we switch and go to shota she/he is suddenly against it? Why? It's both fictional,if the rape manga doesn't affect her/him then why does shota? It shouldn't,they are very clearly being hypocritical to call out people who enjoy shota,but then turn around and enjoy rape. Do you get that?

    Psycho January 1, 2019 11:22 pm
    con mangas are illegal in canada. so would your opinion change if you was born there? Does laws define your morals? Think about it if you were born in another place you'd be a criminal, maybe that will change y... @Anonymous

    darling morals are just for a show. everyone is capable of everything. u just need the right trigger. im not trying to be a good person nor im trying to go to heaven, i just want to persue my goals.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:22 pm
    darling morals are just for a show. everyone is capable of everything. u just need the right trigger. im not trying to be a good person nor im trying to go to heaven, i just want to persue my goals. Psycho

    I live for generalisations. Tell me more.