I am against shotcon

sakurakou January 1, 2019 9:45 pm

I seriously think shotacon manga should be banned made illegal , tracked and anyone who draw them should be mentally checked , fight me on this and if not then give me tump up to know how many support not support shotcon mangas specially those who obviously promote pedophilia rape of children who 10 years or younger .

    Darkenthat January 1, 2019 9:48 pm

    Yes I agree. I despise pedophilia more than anything in the world.

    Toto January 1, 2019 9:53 pm

    Yes I 100% agree.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:06 pm

    Yeah....so do smt instead of writting this shitty post on a porn site where 12 years olds dont give a fuck because the loli and shotas are neraly their age.

    Mango January 1, 2019 10:08 pm

    You say that but you literally have such a love for rape/non-con manga. Mangakas are simply putting out works that they think will appeal to the public,don't talk trash about someone's preferences then turn around and be into messed up shit yourself. If you're really against things morally wrong,be against them all,don't just subjugate one. Smh.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:11 pm

    damn ur right

    Psycho January 1, 2019 10:13 pm

    i simply disagree.

    katiefba January 1, 2019 10:16 pm
    i simply disagree. Psycho

    hello as someone who is underage and babysits a lot of underage CHILDREN you're fucking disgusting :)) stop jacking off to children and get a life you weird ass pedophile :))

    dumb ass bitch January 1, 2019 10:23 pm
    You say that but you literally have such a love for rape/non-con manga. Mangakas are simply putting out works that they think will appeal to the public,don't talk trash about someone's preferences then turn aro... Mango

    what about pedophiles prefrences? young kids at the age of 9-13. What about that? we cant trash talk that? acknowledge how disgusting that is

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:24 pm
    Yeah....so do smt instead of writting this shitty post on a porn site where 12 years olds dont give a fuck because the loli and shotas are neraly their age. @Anonymous

    13-15 year olds can be pedophiles actually which is most of people's ages here, if you're a teen and you find mangas sexualizing children hot then that's a major sign you're one :)

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:26 pm
    You say that but you literally have such a love for rape/non-con manga. Mangakas are simply putting out works that they think will appeal to the public,don't talk trash about someone's preferences then turn aro... Mango

    It's not a preference it's child porn and if you prefer it that means you're a pedophile, unlike rape mangas, if you read it doesn't mean you're a rapist

    HeilHydra January 1, 2019 10:28 pm

    Personally, I'm not fond of shotacon or lolicon or whatever, but I do disagree. Only because mangas, manhwas, manhuas, etc. are works of fantasy (in the literal sense of fantasy literature). Just because someone reads them, it does not mean they advocate those ideas in real life; so, I personally think people can read whatever they want, but there is the line you cross if you even think of daring to enact any of what you've read outside of your screen on someone else. I think the world of mangas and comics differs from the world of real life child pornography featuring actual kids which is disgusting. I would absolutely point the FBI in the direction towards those people, of course. I know there will be arguments of just reading or having thoughts due to fantasy is dangerous, but I can argue the same for video games and violence. Feel free to disagree. I just think you can't judge someone based on what they read because not everyone may be who you think they are. Don't be ignorant.

    Mango January 1, 2019 10:30 pm
    what about pedophiles prefrences? young kids at the age of 9-13. What about that? we cant trash talk that? acknowledge how disgusting that is dumb ass bitch

    I'm not picking a fight or anything,and I'm certainly not into shota,I'm just saying the op is making a strange claim by being against one type of fetish and yet being into rape and non-con. If you're against those types of things in general then its fine to speak against but I just don't thing someone who is into one wrong thing should be talking shit about someone else.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:31 pm
    13-15 year olds can be pedophiles actually which is most of people's ages here, if you're a teen and you find mangas sexualizing children hot then that's a major sign you're one :) @Anonymous

    No Honey ICD10 writes that you have to be at least 16.

    Psycho January 1, 2019 10:32 pm
    hello as someone who is underage and babysits a lot of underage CHILDREN you're fucking disgusting :)) stop jacking off to children and get a life you weird ass pedophile :)) katiefba

    in fact i do have a life and i am not interested in children irl. the one thing i love about relationships is being able to learn the other person's view of the world and their ideals. in order to do that, it is required for the other person to be an adult as well. i find the children's innocence admirable but i am not looking for someone who is not on the same level as me. thus, i do prefer "twisted" people, they are more interesting.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:33 pm

    Your beloved Yarichin club also have pedophilia thread: glassess guy ang his professor. So xoxo

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:35 pm
    I'm not picking a fight or anything,and I'm certainly not into shota,I'm just saying the op is making a strange claim by being against one type of fetish and yet being into rape and non-con. If you're against t... Mango

    why is child porn illegal and could get you into jail while rape plot porn is legal and alright to watch? Because child porn isn't a fetish stupid bitch

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 10:37 pm
    No Honey ICD10 writes that you have to be at least 16. @Anonymous

    If you're 14 and you find a 8 year old hot you're a pedo and shove that ICD10 up your ass

    Mango January 1, 2019 10:38 pm
    It's not a preference it's child porn and if you prefer it that means you're a pedophile, unlike rape mangas, if you read it doesn't mean you're a rapist @Anonymous

    The op literally said if you're against child raping. So if it's not a child then it's fine to read? That makes no sense. Rape is rape,and if someone is sexualizing one thing then what's the difference? I don't have anything against being into rape trope,but it's just,if you're against one form of it then you should be against all of them,no? And also clearly if you're reading rape manga,you either. One,have a rape fetish and like to roleplay with it,or two,are into someone being raped.

    HeilHydra January 1, 2019 10:42 pm
    why is child porn illegal and could get you into jail while rape plot porn is legal and alright to watch? Because child porn isn't a fetish stupid bitch @Anonymous

    Rape isn't a fetish either. I'm pretty sure that actual rape is also illegal. These shotacon and lolicon mangas are literary works. You can't technically call them illegal because they are of fantasy. It's all about technicalities and legalities. You're arguing based on the assumption that mangas are defined to happen in real life. By OP's logic, because he or she enjoys rape/non, then he or she is a rapist in real life too. Hmm? Honestly people being hypocrites on this site are disgusting as well.Also, calling a user "stupid bitch" is really mature of you. :)

    katiefba January 1, 2019 10:42 pm

    also h ot take if you get off on shotacon/lolicon, rape or incest you have no rights and deserve to be shittalked