Também fui assaltada há algumas semanas, o sentimento de impotência é normal, ficar pensando no que poderia ter feito pra evitar também... igual contigo, tinha umas pessoas por perto que na hora correram, e fiquei muito afetada durante um tempo :( depois que passar o choque vai melhorando, mas ainda fico receosa de sair por aí sozinha
Enfim, que bom que não se machucaram, espero que melhore logo♡
Your fear is 100% rational. That sounds terrifying and I think that a lot of people would be traumatized by an event like that. I’m sorry that you had to experience that.
I’ve never been held at gun point however my sister and I were threatened with pepper spray in front of a drugstore when I was 14. I was absolutely terrified and my brain went into derealization mode. The guy was on some sort of drug and there was a security guard not too far away so we were pretty lucky. Still scary though. I don’t think that I went or even walked past that London drugs until 3 years after the event.
Way to end the year, huh. But thanks for sharing! By the way I do know english, just wrote a pretty load of word wrong :P. And yeah, at the time I really wasn't believing in what was happening, then when it was over, I was just stumbling. Luckly my friend saw a policecar nearby, we waited for the man to stop looking at us and we ran for it. The policeman tried to pursue the man, but to no hope. In the end we did the b.o. (dunno the word for it in english, but the document you make when you report something to the police) and they left us in my house. I made tea, tried to calm down, which kind of worked, but when I try to sleep is almost impossible (it's 4 am here)
Ai que merda! Mas obrigada pelo carinho, sabia que ia encontrar alguma brasileira aqui (Brasil tá em tudo). E sim, ficava pensando "ah, se eu não fosse lá","ah, se eu tivesse saido antes", mas no final das contas não muda nada e eu só jogo a culpa pra mim. Vou tomar mais cuidado na próxima vez, mas não quero ficar paranoica por isso! Até veio na cabeça "não parecia que era de verdade", mas mesmo que não fosse, não queria arriscar a minha vida por isso, então é só remorso a toa mesmo... Mas sim, como você disse, com o tempo passa, mas de qualquer forma obrigada! Como deu pra ver gosto de falar pouco, hehe
Kinda of random, but for you guys that were robbed with firearm, how did tou feel? Some hours ago I was with my friend and actually was my first time having that experience. I feel stupid getting really scared of what happened, since he took just out cellphones. And of course I feel bad without it, but I mean, I'm not this terrified just about it, I almost don't use it, just for games most of the time. It was just because I recently got it, so yeah, more like frustrated. But like, having flashover of what happened, feeling guilty for doing that or not doing such, stuff like that... usually I'm aware of where I'm going and such (my country doesn't actually have a good rate for security, btw I'm from Brazil, hello fellas), it's just that I was having a good talk with my friend and we were in a park that had a lot of people taking bus and such (actually on of the bus stop was just some steps behind us). But people actually don't really dare to try to help, even though it was obvious... I feel bad for having such drama since neither both of us were physically harmed and such, but I don't know what to do with this fear, kinda of don't know if I acknowledge it or not. Sorry for the babbling, just don't know what to do