stupid wastes of oxygen smh

Alinna December 27, 2018 2:13 pm

sometimes while browsing this site I really wish I was a hacker so bad so that I could track those edgy cunts who leave comments like omg so hot under shotacon or furry mangas and find a way to notify their parents about this oh godd let alone the people who defend this filth by 'oh it's just fiction for example take killing stalking' and keeps ranting like a retard whose parents played volleyball with as a baby. listen you disgusting pedophile zoophile bitch, action, mystery, whatever genre contains killing or shit can't be compared to sexual content. Because real killers won't come and read a manga to fuel their killing intent or fap to the dead bodies, that would be necrophilia. people read this stuff because it could be interesting and exciting for them, like a thrilling story about a serial killer and his victims you'd want to know what would happen next and how the story goes, how the characters think and their actions, the plot of the story..whatever it's like watching an interesting movie and that's normal. Those mangas you're comparing to porn were made to intrigue people to it's plot, while the porn mangas were made for people to masturbate to. Your argument is dumb and cancelled. What's not normal is being interested and getting excited about children or animals getting fucked, or wanting to fuck them. I can't even comprehend how the imbeciles who bring arguments like this even think do you even have braincells buddy you have an extra chromosome or something? like whenever I see an argument under any shotacon or furry manga there's always this fucking dumb fuck who will bring the killing stalking argument. Do you think the reason people become serial killers is because they watch action or mangas involving that? Why do you keep denying your true colors? If you want to read this disgusting nasty shit then admit that it's wrong and you're a pedophile/zoophile if you get excited from reading this filth which is undeniable common sense at least shut the fuck up don't justify it or bring the it's fiction argument. Do you think people make those shotas/furry mangas for normal teenage girls? Well guess what it's actually made for pedos and furries. If you're mad when people call you that then don't be a disgusting waste of life degenerate and read it or at least don't justify it. If I was pregnant and I could see my babys future and I knew that they would defend any sort of child pornography or zoophilia fictional or not I'd abortion in a blink of an eye.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:31 pm
    It's a question not an argument. Learn to read and understand, dumbass. @Anonymous

    well my bad your tone seemed a bit violent for me lol. and no I wasn't but you don't have to be a victim of something to show concern and empathy for other people

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:32 pm
    okay, finally we agree. u have a belief i have a different one lets just keep our beliefs to ourselves since there is no point in arguing about it. Psycho

    ok peace

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:33 pm

    ok im hungry now gtg and maybe brb later

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:45 pm

    as if fujoshis aren't homophobic enough already but no they have to defend their shotacon by comparing it to yuri, ugh

    recomm December 27, 2018 4:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jex1

    it IS child pornography intended for pedophiles but not all people who watch it ARE pedophiles. this person is targeting the wrong people

    recomm December 27, 2018 4:51 pm
    as if fujoshis aren't homophobic enough already but no they have to defend their shotacon by comparing it to yuri, ugh @Anonymous

    youre missing the point. the fact that heterosexual females are entertained by yuri mangas is just the same as people who are not pedophiles are entertained by shota mangas

    Shirane December 27, 2018 4:56 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jex1

    Read again, ok? It wasn't really defended. It's just that the OP chose a very offensive way to vent a lot of unnecessary anger using a very inconsistent line of argumentation involving an annoying way of whatever came to mind to state something as fact, that isn't one.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:58 pm
    youre missing the point. the fact that heterosexual females are entertained by yuri mangas is just the same as people who are not pedophiles are entertained by shota mangas @recomm

    when gay marriage was legalzied in india homophobes we're like why not legalize pedophilia too and a bunch of other fucked up things youre doing the same but in a different way theyre doing this to hate on gays but youre doing it to defend shota readers no its not just the same even if you arent a pedo reading shotas mangas is still wrong youre saying heterosexual females whore reading yuri are the same as those who read shota; ie implying the relation between two consenting adults is the same as pedophilia and that's homophobic maybe youre also a homophobe but in denial like the rest of fujoshis

    recomm December 27, 2018 5:10 pm
    when gay marriage was legalzied in india homophobes we're like why not legalize pedophilia too and a bunch of other fucked up things youre doing the same but in a different way theyre doing this to hate on gays... @Anonymous

    umm im actually gay. dont assume things

    in my defense, i see that anons point and just tried to explain it to you

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 5:24 pm

    i kinda disagree with everyone here, I don't think people on this site who read shotacon are actually pedos and that psycho person is only describing themselves. judging by the comments they leave on those mangas they sound really immature and childish similar to those of yaoi mangas which I could tell that they're very young and they still don't understand a thing they will probably grow out of it when they grow up. they're the same kind of people who describe yaoi as a sin and call themselves sinners they think they're so badass, cool and different. a lot of teenagers like to be edgy they're doing it because it's a 'taboo' but not because it turns them on because of that, it's because they think it makes them edgy and badass. because what's more taboo than yaoi to them? shotacon.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 5:27 pm

    People getting offended by OPs opinions because they feel targeted by what she's saying.

    I think she is in part right, there is no denying that reading shota is fucked up. Yet again, a lot of the things to read in this website are fucked up.

    Shotas/Loli even more so imo because they sexualize kids, and that is something that I don't think should be sexualized - ever. I am not including here stories that want to represent the reality of these sad cases of pedophilia (ex: they show it as a BAD thing).

    The danger with sexualizing things in stories is that our minds are complex, and it blurs the lines of what is moral, what is not. Reality, fiction, good, bad, normal, abnormal... can become grey areas. Not for all, but for a few. Still, that's all it takes.

    I think we all know deep down that sexualizing things in manga can, for some, translate into sexualizing people irl. How many times have I heard a fujoshi sexualizing gays? Sexualizing mundane situations/interactions between hetero guys? Now, a person reading shota, what do you think they will sexualize in real life?

    Again, THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO EVERYONE. Probably a few. But you cannot deny this DOES happen.

    Now, I don't know if there is a CAUSALITY between reading shota/loli and actual crime incidence as a pedo, but there is most likely a CORRELATION.

    As for all the people that say that there is more to shota/loli than meets the eye, I am curious about the reasons as to why you would read this genre above others? AKA, what does shota/loli offer that NO OTHER genre can provide?

    Shirane December 27, 2018 5:39 pm
    There's a difference between yaoi, Yuri and shots like I explained in other replies. Why are you acting like mangas and manga readers are some sort of different species from another world, you act like someone ... Alinna

    I don't need to be an angel. I can read whatever I want and nobody has a right to judge me for it. You try and use the same ineffective way of drawing conclusions about me to attack me from some manga profile I created as if that's got anything to do with who I really am. Or, for that matter, with what I will or will not do in real life based on what I read. You just generate prejudices by that, don't you see? And you judge me and others based on your selfmade prejudices and you also fail to explain why you feel the need to do this, especially here(Except from stating that some young girls might get the wrong idea from reading it, which again is just an assumption based on zero facts. Or do you know any evidence case?). And I am annoyed at your very insulting use of language and half assed arguments and your judgmental behaviour about something that doesn't even concern you. You literally created an account just to make that rant post and nobody needed it.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 5:39 pm
    i see your point too but im still not against shotacon and i will not stop reading it since its only a preference its not like i will have sexual desires and rape kids and its not like you will die because peop... @Anonymous

    how can u not be against something that sexualizes kids

    Kissjen December 27, 2018 5:44 pm


    i just wanna say what i have i December 27, 2018 5:56 pm

    the amount of rape that occurs in a place where porno is legalised is less when compared to place where it is not legalised.......maybe manga serves as an outlet i think......thats y it still exist i believe.........moreover even b4 governments were formed.....having sex with animals,kids,etc happened.......eventhough the govt has banned it nowadays i guess in manga everythng exist.......i think ultimately it depends on a persons moral compass whether they act on what they read.......people who read yaoi/yuri dont turn gay nor people who read it go on about raping....if u perform a sexual act in front of a humanhe/she is bound to be excited thats how our body is wired...ultimately one can use ones brain to depends on the author to write what they want and readers wish to read what they all depends on perception i guess.......its ultimately made in japan,korea,america,etc.....if their government allows them to write it and readers govt allows them to read it they may do so........just because a person doesnt read any some stuff it doesnt mean they are g8 and because they do doesnt mean they are disgusting.......only if they perform an act they are guilty .....if there is no way to pushout these feelings somewhere i m sure they will flowout and a person in frustration will act it out in reality.....people who posess weak pshycosis may not be able to withstand obscene content i think......problem lies not only in porno.......we glorify getting married at 16 or having a lover from childhood days is great....naturally people think having sex at young age is great too.....human mind is bizaree and everyperson is different........its absolutely impossible to compartmentalise human beings.....most people i have seen here hate shotocon/furry,etc...... i dont think manga is the only reason for all the evils in world.......there are other causes too....i dont personally mind banning shota,etc....but again it leads to a neverending debate on freedom of expression.........its impossible to arrive at a solution sooner.......

    Alinna December 27, 2018 6:58 pm
    I don't need to be an angel. I can read whatever I want and nobody has a right to judge me for it. You try and use the same ineffective way of drawing conclusions about me to attack me from some manga profile I... Shirane

    ohi am back, iirc up till now you didn't contribute anything to the argument, you just keep asking for proofs, evidence, facts honestly I'm surprised that you need any of these to see that there's something wrong with sexualizing children and people liking it, and you didn't state anything but my language and I have no right to judge people blablabla, you seem very naive and triggered for some reason it's like you put a block in your brain and you refuse to understand anything unless I provide links(which I already did) and I'm lowkey surprised by the "....your judgmental behaviour about something that doesn't even concern you." Even though I knew to expect nothing from someone who likes shotaco- oh I forgot you don't actually like it you just hate my condescending tone and you want to defend your manga reader pals so eagerly with such passion my bad. Honestly you sound like a pedo fanatic now, or maybe you're just a very cold selfish person, so I'll try to make it clearer for you: let's say you grew up and got married, you had a kid who you love very much, now someone made a lolicon manga about your kid, what will you feel? Will you be ok with it because it's just a preference and they didn't harm her anyway, or will you be mad that there are people out there sexualizing your kid? Now that's how I feel(maybe I exaggerated abt my feelings but u get the point)about those disgusting shotacon and lolicon mangas sexualizing innocent children for the pleasure of disgusting pedos. And the people who claim they aren't pedos, yet they get involved in this because it "fits their preference" and will go against anyone who calls it disgusting. I don't mean this in an offensive way but do you have autism? From the traits of autism is having a hard time understanding human emotions, and you believe that young minds influenced by child porn won't have any effect on them and that child porn is completely okay if it's fictional and it has 0 negative effects on anyone, needing facts to disbelieve in these seems a bit concerning honestly. btw as you can see my account is 3 days old so I didn't make specifically to rant, maybe if you think I planned to make this account three days earlier than the awaited day because I knew it would take me 3 days to come up with this very long peotic detailed topic with many hidden meanings, I actually didn't I wrote in about 10mins. I made this account 3 days ago because I wanted to read a long series without getting redirected to ladyshitist.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 6:59 pm
    ohi am back, iirc up till now you didn't contribute anything to the argument, you just keep asking for proofs, evidence, facts honestly I'm surprised that you need any of these to see that there's something wro... Alinna

    damn if that ain't long lmaoo

    Alinna December 27, 2018 7:00 pm
    People getting offended by OPs opinions because they feel targeted by what she's saying. I think she is in part right, there is no denying that reading shota is fucked up. Yet again, a lot of the things to read... @Anonymous

    finally someone with braincells

    Alinna December 27, 2018 7:02 pm
    i kinda disagree with everyone here, I don't think people on this site who read shotacon are actually pedos and that psycho person is only describing themselves. judging by the comments they leave on those mang... @Anonymous

    good point lol

    Alinna December 27, 2018 7:04 pm
    the amount of rape that occurs in a place where porno is legalised is less when compared to place where it is not legalised.......maybe manga serves as an outlet i think......thats y it still exist i believe...... @i just wanna say what i have i

    pedophilia and zoophilia should be wiped off the freedom of speech, you don't express it you get treated or take it to the grave and never act on it because it might influence other people