stupid wastes of oxygen smh

Alinna December 27, 2018 2:13 pm

sometimes while browsing this site I really wish I was a hacker so bad so that I could track those edgy cunts who leave comments like omg so hot under shotacon or furry mangas and find a way to notify their parents about this oh godd let alone the people who defend this filth by 'oh it's just fiction for example take killing stalking' and keeps ranting like a retard whose parents played volleyball with as a baby. listen you disgusting pedophile zoophile bitch, action, mystery, whatever genre contains killing or shit can't be compared to sexual content. Because real killers won't come and read a manga to fuel their killing intent or fap to the dead bodies, that would be necrophilia. people read this stuff because it could be interesting and exciting for them, like a thrilling story about a serial killer and his victims you'd want to know what would happen next and how the story goes, how the characters think and their actions, the plot of the story..whatever it's like watching an interesting movie and that's normal. Those mangas you're comparing to porn were made to intrigue people to it's plot, while the porn mangas were made for people to masturbate to. Your argument is dumb and cancelled. What's not normal is being interested and getting excited about children or animals getting fucked, or wanting to fuck them. I can't even comprehend how the imbeciles who bring arguments like this even think do you even have braincells buddy you have an extra chromosome or something? like whenever I see an argument under any shotacon or furry manga there's always this fucking dumb fuck who will bring the killing stalking argument. Do you think the reason people become serial killers is because they watch action or mangas involving that? Why do you keep denying your true colors? If you want to read this disgusting nasty shit then admit that it's wrong and you're a pedophile/zoophile if you get excited from reading this filth which is undeniable common sense at least shut the fuck up don't justify it or bring the it's fiction argument. Do you think people make those shotas/furry mangas for normal teenage girls? Well guess what it's actually made for pedos and furries. If you're mad when people call you that then don't be a disgusting waste of life degenerate and read it or at least don't justify it. If I was pregnant and I could see my babys future and I knew that they would defend any sort of child pornography or zoophilia fictional or not I'd abortion in a blink of an eye.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:01 pm

    just because you saw/read something doesnt directly cause you to emulate the said activity. just because someone plays gta, that wouldnt make them more likely to run out and start stealing cars and murdering hookers. reading yaoi does not make him gay. reading yuri does not make her lesbian. reading shotacon/lolicon does not make me a pedophile. these statements hold true unless they define themselves as such that they take interest on such genres. i am completely against pedophilia in real life. theres something taboo about such genres that makes it "hot" or turn people on. the human mind is indeed complicated.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:03 pm
    It is fiction though? Okay call them pedophiles, necrophiliacs, ect but where are you getting your facts that these readers would confuse this with reality? Was a study made? You’re also contradicting yoursel... ツ [Tsu]

    are you talking about homophobia in yaoi or you're homophobic about that immoral part? I only read a few yaoi but I stopped and switched to shounen because I found it more cringy than shoujo, if that matters with u lol. straight guys watch lesbian porn not because they wanna be a girl fucking a girl, since they're attracted to girls some find two girls together hot, same with some women to guys. that's an entire different story from children because nobody should be attracted to them

    Selves December 27, 2018 4:05 pm
    im spreading facts not hate Alinna

    No one wants that, spread your legs

    Psycho December 27, 2018 4:07 pm
    my knowledge is based on some memes i saw so it may not be that accurate but lolicon is more famous among adult men right? I don't think they read it because they imagine themselves as the little girl. most sho... Alinna

    when i said that the might be putting themselves in the position of the child i was talking about how they see their soul not their body. they might feel fragile, insecure, pure. on the other hand, the child molester might have the need to feel strong, in control. sometimes is not about the age but the oscar wilde said "everything in the world is about sex except sex. sex is about power."
    now, about the second part, we are not saying that is normal, we are just saying that we dont need to get executed for it. its indeed a preference that we are not so proud of but it still remains a preference. i dont believe that the people who read these stuff recommend it to other people(unless other people are interested). we have the right to read what we want and the ones who dont read it should just stay out of it. there are things that i dont like but that doesnt mean that i need to force other people to hate them too. dont worry, nobody thinks that is correct and nobody believes that these things should happen in real life. we just build our own disturbing utopia to deal with our deepest fears and desires.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:08 pm

    Wow..... calm down, there only fictional characters. Let people like whatever type of manga they want, Sure pedos are disgusting people in real life but wanting to hack someone just for liking a manga? Very immature.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:08 pm
    Do you spend all your time reading yaoi as your bio says? Many stats and researches prove that porn is related to sexual assault because a normal person who watches porn and masturbates to it of course would wa... Alinna

    No child models or actors are involved so there is no child abuse for creating sexual topic mangas

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:10 pm
    It is fiction though? Okay call them pedophiles, necrophiliacs, ect but where are you getting your facts that these readers would confuse this with reality? Was a study made? You’re also contradicting yoursel... ツ [Tsu]

    exactly my point

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:10 pm
    just because you saw/read something doesnt directly cause you to emulate the said activity. just because someone plays gta, that wouldnt make them more likely to run out and start stealing cars and murdering ho... @Anonymous

    maybe it yaoi or yuri could turn some people on because they're either homophobic and it's a taboo or some people find two of the opposite/same together hot because they're straight or gay. what I don't understand is how they find children hot, like you aren't a pedo so why? You shouldn't view it as a taboo you should view it with disgust. but whatever the human mind is cOmPLicAtEd

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:13 pm
    No one wants that, spread your legs Selves


    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:14 pm
    No child models or actors are involved so there is no child abuse for creating sexual topic mangas @Anonymous

    I'm fucking dead like do you even function. Yes there's no real child in shots but my whole comment meant that this shota(porn) could lead to real abuse of children, since there's a relation between porn and sexual abuse irl

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:17 pm
    when i said that the might be putting themselves in the position of the child i was talking about how they see their soul not their body. they might feel fragile, insecure, pure. on the other hand, the child mo... Psycho

    well ok I see your point but I'm still against shotacon and I wish it was illegal and that people would stop reading it since it's only a preference it's not like you will die without it or something. and yeah my rant is indeed useless like that person said lol

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:18 pm
    well ok I see your point but I'm still against shotacon and I wish it was illegal and that people would stop reading it since it's only a preference it's not like you will die without it or something. and yeah ... Alinna

    by that I mean that it changed nothing sksksk

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:19 pm
    No one wants that, spread your legs Selves

    haha super funny epic troll

    Opinions. December 27, 2018 4:19 pm

    The shota genre has its purpose and its target audience seem to be pedophiles, people who enjoy child pornography, but not all who read the genre are pedophile nor do they enjoy it morally. There is no direct causation that one who reads shota wants to make love to a child. Maybe some, but definitely not all.

    It's more complex than "you read/defend this so you are this/that,"

    Shirane December 27, 2018 4:20 pm
    Do you spend all your time reading yaoi as your bio says? Many stats and researches prove that porn is related to sexual assault because a normal person who watches porn and masturbates to it of course would wa... Alinna

    So what? Am I turning into a man prone to sexually assault random females because I read yaoi manga here? Are these stats and articles about drawn sexual contents? No, they are about real people porn and so using that link as back up seems rather random. In fact, not backing up anything but mere correlations and yes, that people with disturbing mind sets exist and also may use porn to fuel their fantasies. What's that got to do with manga and manga readers? Please differentiate a little more. And you say it yourself. You take some random notions and draw conclusions yourself. But that's just not the way to generate facts.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:23 pm

    i see your point too but im still not against shotacon and i will not stop reading it since its only a preference its not like i will have sexual desires and rape kids and its not like you will die because people like it or something. and yes i do agree with that person that your rant is useless

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:25 pm
    The shota genre has its purpose and its target audience seem to be pedophiles, people who enjoy child pornography, but not all who read the genre are pedophile nor do they enjoy it morally. There is no direct c... @Opinions.


    Psycho December 27, 2018 4:27 pm
    well ok I see your point but I'm still against shotacon and I wish it was illegal and that people would stop reading it since it's only a preference it's not like you will die without it or something. and yeah ... Alinna

    okay, finally we agree. u have a belief i have a different one lets just keep our beliefs to ourselves since there is no point in arguing about it.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 4:28 pm
    why not provide a decent argument instead of using ad hominem?We're dropped when you were a child? Alinna

    It's a question not an argument. Learn to read and understand, dumbass.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 4:29 pm
    So what? Am I turning into a man prone to sexually assault random females because I read yaoi manga here? Are these stats and articles about drawn sexual contents? No, they are about real people porn and so usi... Shirane

    There's a difference between yaoi, Yuri and shots like I explained in other replies. Why are you acting like mangas and manga readers are some sort of different species from another world, you act like someone insulted your country or something. " What's that got to do with manga and manga readers?" Manga readers are people too and reading manga doesn't automatically make you an angel, and if that manga is shota then it's a form of child pornography, the difference between hentai and real porn is wide but not too much, both are materials made for the target audience to fap to. Real cp is very illegal and could get you into prison even a death sentence in some cases. so they use Loli/shotacon as a replacement because they represent children to a big degree. So if not all shota readers are pedos obviously the big majority of it are. And I still believe that it's related to sexual abuse of real children because that's what common sense says.