Love Sangwoo character

Lily December 26, 2018 2:07 pm

I got killing stalking comics from my husband this Christmas and I read it all over again. I know many of you won't agree with me (and that's ok btw) but I really love Sangwoo's character. I kinda pitied him before and kinda knew he was a poor fucxxxd up soul, but after all this chapters, going back to the start made me realize his whole psychology and now I can understand his mental state. Not like in "he is right", obviously...!!! more like "ok so he did that because his mind work in this or that way".
We don't know now of he killed the chief (I suppose he did..) but from his point of view SW really thought he was the victim, or the one being taken advantage. Like...he asked the chief to leave him and Bum alone (his lie about being a couple alright) and the chief didn't do that. For us normal people is obvious the chief didn't: SW is a murder, he is dangerous, and Bum isn't simply his boyfriend, but from SW point of view he was a victim and he always only tried to defend himself from others (in a twisted way. Because of his mental sickness a light offense is taken like an aggression or potential aggression. Just try to remember how much anger he had with his victims, like he always was the one being betrayed, or joked about, or took lightly.
So, even more than before, I see him not only as a perpetrator (as normal people righteously do), but also like a victim of his life and, even more, like a victim of himself. In all this picture Bum love is important but Bum himself isn't.. I think Bum is a ray of normal love life in a life that can't be normal anymore (because the way SW reacts to things isn't normal and won't ever be anymore). This is so sad to me and for this I love his character and the fact that in my opinion to became that fucxxxd up you have to be a kind and good boy because I think only the kindest one can't bear the horror and go out of their mind. Sorry for my poor English.

    BurntChickenNugget December 28, 2018 1:23 am


    Anon_aug December 28, 2018 11:28 pm

    I love sangwoos character too. Not once have I hated him. I knew from the beginning, he had to have a fucked up back story to be this deranged.

    Lily December 28, 2018 11:56 pm
    I love sangwoos character too. Not once have I hated him. I knew from the beginning, he had to have a fucked up back story to be this deranged. Anon_aug

    So sad people like that exist in real life. I like to think we are all of the same kind, so that I am a "good person" also because I hadn't a really tragic past/'s true some people are stronger than others, but we can't judge a person with a tragic childhood, because we can't say for sure we wouldn't become like that. Or that's my opinion, anyway