The 2nd story of Kan and Shuuna has 2 prequel manga named 1. Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasa...

Sugakookie December 24, 2018 11:23 pm

The 2nd story of Kan and Shuuna has 2 prequel manga named
1. Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku
2. Azami (It's a doujinshi where it's shown why Kan started becoming so violent)

The 1st one is Kan's past where it's shown how he used to cruely abuse his boyfriend Yumi. The story's more focused on his ex-boyfriend "Yumi" and how he overcomes Kan's violence and starts a new healthy realationship.
You guys should check it out if you haven't already. It's absolutely worth a reading.

Prequel - Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku, Azami
Sequel - Hadakeru Kaibutsu

As I read the prequels first and know Kan's past, it's hard for me to forgive him this easily. I wonder if Shuuna still would've accepted him if he escalated how exactly he used to treat Yumi. He kinda escaped by saying an easy sentence "I hit him." I wonder how Shuuna would've reacted if Kan actually said "I used to burn holes on his skin with cigarettes" "I used to kick him, fuck him and punch him until he bled like fountains."
I just wonder.
He never even properly apologized. But I'm glad that he's happy now.

    Yuki7 January 14, 2019 2:37 am

    Oh wow yeah he really downplayed what he did to his ex! I wonder if we'll ever get a reason as to why he did all those awful things

    SOPHY12 January 27, 2019 10:32 am
    Oh wow yeah he really downplayed what he did to his ex! I wonder if we'll ever get a reason as to why he did all those awful things Yuki7

    There was a reason. He was being abused at work and he couldn't handle the pressure.

    His situation at work was also downplayed and it was never handled. Most of his self loathing stemmed from his abusive behavior towards his ex, but he never talked about being physically, verbally and sexually abused at work.

    Latas February 4, 2019 7:04 am
    There was a reason. He was being abused at work and he couldn't handle the pressure. His situation at work was also downplayed and it was never handled. Most of his self loathing stemmed from his abusive behav... SOPHY12

    this highkey late, but if your mental state is that bad, i find it hard to simply forgive kanchan for abusing his ex because that downplays what his ex went through lmao. even kan chan blames his actions as his conscious decisions,,,,sooo

    SOPHY12 July 2, 2019 6:38 pm
    this highkey late, but if your mental state is that bad, i find it hard to simply forgive kanchan for abusing his ex because that downplays what his ex went through lmao. even kan chan blames his actions as his... Latas
