just wanted to inform all the curious patiently waiting souls out there that there has been a new update (chapter 12) in russian http://yaoichan.me/manga/6660-feng-yu-jiu-tian.htmli hope they will pick this up again, it can't be forgotten for another 2-3 years :'(
I really wish I could read russian ......and japanese, chinese, korean.unfortunately I can’t understand the raws.
Well this is awkward
Oh my
Changed it you were here first. Didn’t get the message username already in use
Lol, awwwww I thought it was pretty cool
Similar souls
just wanted to inform all the curious patiently waiting souls out there that there has been a new update (chapter 12) in russian
i hope they will pick this up again, it can't be forgotten for another 2-3 years :'(