wait so if he's a freshman that makes him what 13?? And hes having sex with a dude in his ...

GIGGLEBUSH December 22, 2018 1:54 pm

wait so if he's a freshman that makes him what 13?? And hes having sex with a dude in his mid 20s possible?? O.o I mean I guess anything can happen in an AU

    Mikaela December 22, 2018 3:50 pm

    What are you talking about?
    he's 16

    GIGGLEBUSH December 23, 2018 6:02 am
    What are you talking about? he's 16 Mikaela

    asdfghjkl either way ITS STILL ILLEGAL :))

    Mikaela December 23, 2018 12:48 pm
    asdfghjkl either way ITS STILL ILLEGAL :)) GIGGLEBUSH

    Yeah, he's WAYY too young;;

    ThingOfEvil January 23, 2019 12:49 am

    Actually, the age of consent is 13 in Japan.

    GIGGLEBUSH January 24, 2019 12:35 am
    Actually, the age of consent is 13 in Japan. ThingOfEvil

    >.> IN JAPAN!!!! WITH consent!!! in America it's a huge crime!!! people over here would fuck someone up because that :) I mean whatever floats ur boat

    ThingOfEvil January 24, 2019 5:08 am
    >.> IN JAPAN!!!! WITH consent!!! in America it's a huge crime!!! people over here would fuck someone up because that :) I mean whatever floats ur boat GIGGLEBUSH

    The story takes place in Japan, not in America. In Japan with Japanese protagonists from a Japanese manga written by a Japanese author for a Japanese audience... Why are you so shocked?
    I'd recommend you change genre if you aren't prepared for this, it is pretty common in yaoi mangas, and it is even crazily acceptable compared to 99℅ of shotacon stories...

    GIGGLEBUSH January 24, 2019 1:29 pm
    The story takes place in Japan, not in America. In Japan with Japanese protagonists from a Japanese manga written by a Japanese author for a Japanese audience... Why are you so shocked?I'd recommend you change ... ThingOfEvil

    girl, I was just saying. I know what I can and cant handle I'm 21 years old. I think I outta know by now. :)

    ThingOfEvil January 24, 2019 3:38 pm

    Well I still think your reaction is excessive, that's why I suggested you try another genre, I didn't mean any harm. And it's not about your age, there are 12 yo girls who are fine with these kinds of things and 55 yo women who cannot handle it, it's up to people's own sensibility...

    GIGGLEBUSH January 24, 2019 3:55 pm
    Well I still think your reaction is excessive, that's why I suggested you try another genre, I didn't mean any harm. And it's not about your age, there are 12 yo girls who are fine with these kinds of things an... ThingOfEvil

    yeah I know you meant know harm. It might be because it's over text and people tend to read it in their own way and take it their own way, that's why I usually add a smiley face at the end. I was just saying in a way... how do I say this?-i cant bring it into words atm-it was more of a hypothetical way? Idk but I wasnt trying to start a whole discussion over what I said that's why I tend to just leave it.

    ThingOfEvil January 24, 2019 4:49 pm

    Ahhhh sorry but I have a little issue with my phone, long story short I fucked up something with the keyboards so the only smileys I can do rn are @.@ and $.$
    But well discussing is fine, isn't it? I find it interesting to understand other people's POV and that subject IS interesting.
    Oh, I can also do ?.?
    I suck at life... Lol

    GIGGLEBUSH January 24, 2019 9:46 pm
    Ahhhh sorry but I have a little issue with my phone, long story short I fucked up something with the keyboards so the only smileys I can do rn are @.@ and $.$ But well discussing is fine, isn't it? I find it in... ThingOfEvil

    me too I suck at life as welwell. Hope we can become good friends xD

    ThingOfEvil January 25, 2019 1:42 pm

    I'll be in your care from now on! *bows*
    And I fixed my keyboard ^^

    ninihaha February 9, 2019 3:58 am
    >.> IN JAPAN!!!! WITH consent!!! in America it's a huge crime!!! people over here would fuck someone up because that :) I mean whatever floats ur boat GIGGLEBUSH

    passing by

    actually theres at least 30 states in the usa were the concent age is 16 y old

    nd bout 20 were it's 17 nd higher

    GIGGLEBUSH February 9, 2019 4:31 pm
    passing by actually theres at least 30 states in the usa were the concent age is 16 y oldnd bout 20 were it's 17 nd higher ninihaha

    -_- I'm from America that's not any news to me, plus in America even with consent it can cause a huge deal. Look up 16 and pregnant from MTV nothing new to me.

    GIGGLEBUSH February 9, 2019 4:31 pm
    passing by actually theres at least 30 states in the usa were the concent age is 16 y oldnd bout 20 were it's 17 nd higher ninihaha

    -_- I'm from America that's not any news to make, plus in America even with consent it can cause a huge deal. Look up 16 and pregnant from MTV nothing new here.

    FaithWell February 13, 2019 5:21 pm
    -_- I'm from America that's not any news to me, plus in America even with consent it can cause a huge deal. Look up 16 and pregnant from MTV nothing new to me. GIGGLEBUSH

    Passing by

    You're the one who made a hoo-ha bout it being "a huge crime" and illegal in the states. That's why @ninihaha brought up the age of consent. & We all know kids these days have experience way before the age of consent, more ever in the US. You're not making much sense. I think its just the school uniform + tomo being older that's making you second guess.

    GIGGLEBUSH February 14, 2019 2:05 am
    Passing byYou're the one who made a hoo-ha bout it being "a huge crime" and illegal in the states. That's why @ninihaha brought up the age of consent. & We all know kids these days have experience way befor... FaithWell

    chill guys, I'm not making a hoo ha it. This conversation was WAY over before the both of you came along, it even ended on a good note. Let's not get all negative about this, okay:) hope everyone has a good week!

    Usako December 10, 2019 2:56 am
    >.> IN JAPAN!!!! WITH consent!!! in America it's a huge crime!!! people over here would fuck someone up because that :) I mean whatever floats ur boat GIGGLEBUSH

    My best friends eldest daughter became pregers at 15, and the cops wouldn't press charges (for several reasons).

    NarutoRocks April 19, 2020 7:49 am
    >.> IN JAPAN!!!! WITH consent!!! in America it's a huge crime!!! people over here would fuck someone up because that :) I mean whatever floats ur boat GIGGLEBUSH

    Well good thing it's a Japanese manga huh

    Ich selbst April 19, 2020 8:39 am
    Well good thing it's a Japanese manga huh NarutoRocks

    uhhhhhhh yeah I guess... don’t remember what this was about so I’ll just go with the flow.