TheStardust December 22, 2018 11:30 am

People are trash talking Takahiro because of his behavior,but I have to say, he obviously has more serious mental problems, it looks like his life and upbringing was waay f*cked up to begin with. And yet no one notices that?

You're told Jack has dyslexia and aphasia so you pity him, but since nobody put a detailed diagnosis on Takahiro you just throw him under the rug. Is it not obvious by his lifestyle and past experiences that he's not at all okay???

    Lin March 21, 2019 1:59 am

    Like his abandonment issues which is just the tip of his tragic as hell iceburg

    caroline4323 June 18, 2019 2:30 pm

    I don´t understand the dislike towards the character(s) and the story.. Of course part of me wished for a happily ever after ending, but this was much more true to life.
    And very well done, I just had to read it in one go, kept me on edge.. It is rare..
    Liked it a lot.

    cumsock February 25, 2024 6:08 am

    going through shit or having a mental illness isn’t a ‘get out of jail’ card. takahiro seemingly grew deeply insecure abt penetrative sex as a bottom because he was stuck in his own thought patterns — he found penetrating women to be him ‘using’ them like human flesh lights. because he was quick to push his own ex-partners to the side once the relationship went beyond physicality. he was troubled by finally being the vulnerable one

    cumsock February 25, 2024 6:18 am
    going through shit or having a mental illness isn’t a ‘get out of jail’ card. takahiro seemingly grew deeply insecure abt penetrative sex as a bottom because he was stuck in his own thought patterns — h... cumsock

    i don’t think jack ever, whether intentionally or not, made takahiro question his decision to be vulnerable (by putting out/“giving up his ass” as he put it). maybe when he got tired of hiro throwing bones at him? so he went out w that one twink clubbing… hiro slept w his ex — despite the situation-ship between him n jack AND knowing that he was jack’s first everything. jack went to japan for him… he let his pride get in the way of something good