i understood it but had to skip to the last chapter to see what happened.she is so pretentious in her writing and acts like theres deeper meaning to everything you say or do.it only leads to them going around in circles and trying to philosophize their feelings rather than accepting them.all that angst and drama to have them end up 14 chapters later where they started.her writing leaves me discontented.i wonder if shes ever come back to writing

100% agree... Life is not a linear path from love at first sight straight to happily ever after. It's a giant messy disaster, and people fall into and out of your life, and sometimes you end up sleeping with your best friend's ex-boyfriend in the back seat of a Geo Prism or hooking up with that best friend at that exact same party.
And sometimes people are too scared to admit how they feel, sometimes even for years.
the people on here complaining abt this story are WAY too young to read this... i usually don’t like to say this, but unless your extremely mature for your age, you won’t fully understand the complexity of this story, which is the very point that brings this story so high on my list. love ain’t always easy. and can i get some love for the non-bierasure in this story!??