Sister Issues Rant

Osoka December 17, 2018 12:30 am

Honestly, my sister and I do not have a great relationship. She’s annoying. Like, really annoying. A lot of times, she just throws out mean words about me. “You are so ugly, and no one will ever love you” “You useless piece of shit” “Your uglier than me!” And that’s just to name a few. Sometimes she’ll even sing them, or just give out a middle finger.

I’m not innocent, either. I call her names too, but I don’t start it.

    Chunta December 17, 2018 12:50 am

    I say don’t reply to her. Start to ignore her because she seems like an ass lol.
    She wants reactions out of you, when you don’t give reactions she’ll get bored.

    Satan December 17, 2018 1:12 am

    "You're uglier than me!"

    Lmao, isn't she suggesting that she herself is ugly?

    Anyways, as Chunta says, if you make it appear that her words are not effective, it's less likely that your sister will continue.