A friendly reminder

Assasin1827 December 16, 2018 4:30 pm

“If the roots keep growing without a fruit, lets make a fruit and come to an end” ┗( T﹏T )┛
Keep in mind that in Japan, homosexuality acceptance is still 50/50 not because of hatred or disgust but because they are one of the countries with the lowest birthrate in the world. Society needs them to create children and Homosexual relationship can’t produce that.

    Inkedo January 10, 2019 8:44 pm

    I see, but i think if they choose the surrogate mother it will help a lot and i heard they have accepted the same sex partnership it's same as marriage i some points but they didn't accept them as married couples so they registered officially on partnership papers and they will have the qualities officially in the relationships as well benefits such as bank accounts and raise in work.

    Azumi_Ueno April 20, 2019 4:31 pm

    I think it’s so sad that people judge gay couples because they can’t have children and that it’s ‘fruitless’. If they love each other then that is beautiful in itself. Love nowadays is hard to come by even for straight people, especially in todays’ society where divorce rates are insane. Besides I don’t want to have children but does that make me any less female, or don’t I have the right to find love or a relationship, without having to live up to society’s standard and have children.