
From my point of view, Hyun-ji was the popular one when they were just getting started because she was the pretty one and thats who people notice first. So now that the other two found their place in the business and are actually proving that they're good at it, the attention is moving towards them rather than Hyun-ji whose only special point is her looks.
But you're right, she really shouldnt place the blame on Maha. She should know how much Maha worked to get to where she is now since they were together all the time.
I can't understand where Hyun-Ji is coming from at all. At the beginning of this manhwa - Hyun-ji was the popular one, RIA was just the singer, and Maha was the imitator. Now, Maha is finally making a name for herself and slowly getting through her past. RIA is making strides with her vocal career and also falling in love.Then we have Hyun-Ji.... She used to be the kind welcoming friend but now she's the jealous and hateful one. Why would you push together the person you like with their crush who doesn't even know what's going on? Why would you blame Maha for you not getting enough courage to share your feelings? Why be an ass? My idea is that, Hyun-ji loves being the one in the spotlight. She loved being the one who was important. Now that she's's all Maha's fault. I just don't get it. I don't hate her but I don't like her either. I just want to understand where she's coming from, but i just don't see it. All I see is a jealous girl that goes so far that she gets anorexia. Instead of fixing it, she let's it simmer below until one day it blows up in everyone's faces.