I mean it's cute but it really annoys me when they play the ''not gay it's just you'' card...

SquishyCatsss December 16, 2018 3:05 am

I mean it's cute but it really annoys me when they play the ''not gay it's just you'' card. He especially went and said he fellt relieved when thinking of shun as special so he doesn't have to consider he likes a man. The fuck? Of course these mangas totally ignore the existence of bisexuality, but even when the MC is fucking a guy he still is against the idea of being gay and ends up with this half assed conclusion of still liking women, with ONE exception. Tbh it WAS a cute manga but it's just ruins it for me when that's what it boils down to

    NyaruLee January 4, 2019 4:00 am

    I totally agree. I mean, I found it cute and funny but the thorn in my just won't go away every time they use that same excuse

    MeatDumpling January 4, 2019 4:26 am

    Look up the Kinsley scale. It ranks from 0 to 6, 0 being exclusively heterosexual, 3 being bisexual, and 6 being exclusively homosexual. Sexual orientations can change according to some stages in life especially the stages in which people experiment with their sexuality. My point here is, a person can identify themselves as a heterosexual but could still have homosexual relationships with a certain person, and it doesn't mean they're bisexual; the same goes for someone who identifies as homosexual but is able to maintain a heterosexual relationship.

    Keylime Pie January 4, 2019 4:34 am

    It does happen. Not as often as it does in manga, but I’ve seen it in real life. For a manga author, a love that transcends sexual orientation can be irresistible

    SquishyCatsss January 4, 2019 5:22 am

    @meatdumpling Uh, no. Exactly because sexuality is a spectrum one is able to be like 98% attracted to the opposite gender and have that one person of the same gender they find attractive, or viceversa. That's not being straight though. As small of a percentage it might be, sexuality has no black and white spaces like that. Even the bisexual people you put at a general 3 don't all feel the same way, some preferring one gender to the other and so on. Sorry but as ''romantic'' you think it is, it just doesn't work that way.

    Also @keylime pie ''trascending sexual orentation'' is all fun and games until you realize they're always using the fact that they're both dudes like an obstacle to overcome. The big problem in these stories is always that they ''can't'' be gay/don't want to be, and the resolution is always them kinda realizing the guy is just special, and it's okay because they're in fact not gay, they just found the one exception. Like no, I'd rather see a story of someone learning to know and accept themselves thanks to a new love instead of this condescending ''but you're normal I get it if you hate me :('' shit

    MeatDumpling January 4, 2019 6:56 am
    @meatdumpling Uh, no. Exactly because sexuality is a spectrum one is able to be like 98% attracted to the opposite gender and have that one person of the same gender they find attractive, or viceversa. That's n... SquishyCatsss

    I wasn't saying it in a romantic way, I was saying it in a scientific way. Also the Kinsley scale is not black and white as you said, it's exactly a spectrum, but I now know you're not the kind of people to look up facts, such a shame really

    SquishyCatsss January 4, 2019 7:22 am

    And you are? Go on and tell me what did I say that was incorrect if you actually have something to say. But that doesn't seem to be the case. You're being pretentious simply because what you said was wrong and the facts you provided are against you. I now see you're the kind of person worthy of discussing with, such a shame really

    NyaruLee January 5, 2019 1:27 am

    Using the trope of "I'm not gay but fell in love with a man" as an excuse to keep identifying as a straight because being gay it's considered bad, wrong, not good enough or whatever reason you wanna make is homophobia (internalized mostly). End of discussion.