by this point, I don't think she calling him that cause he is bad or anything, but cause she got used to call him that. and it funny XD I actually don't like her cuase of different reason. I feel like she become very boring and annoying from the point of view that everyone need to save her all the time.

hmm I don't think she "didn't" show she cared about them. at least that what I think. I think she does care about them and try to give them more crudit then she should and she does enjoy playing the "little sister/daughter" she just very very stack on her past.
and I kind of get her cause she still remember a time and world where women live more freely and equality to even compare to this "world" she live now, so of course she have a lot of anger about it and won't get over it that soon.
How did Sanghee go from being a unique protagonist to a boring, generic damsel in distress? Ugh, what a waste of a good character setup.