I don't know about you guys but, now, I wanted them to fix their relationship. They might ...

missb December 13, 2018 1:52 pm

I don't know about you guys but, now, I wanted them to fix their relationship. They might not into each other as before but that boyfriend still have feelings(?) for him despite the cheatings he had done and still care for him not allowing him to go away. I would actually hoping that the boyfriend would change for good and still stay together.

    Fabytvxq December 13, 2018 2:32 pm

    Yeah, but his way of expressing his "feelings" is wrong. He raped him, beat him, cheated on him. From my experience I can tell that people don't change... the main character is very sick so he's holding to the memory of their love and happy moments because he knows he will be gone soon...

    Doctor_Donna December 13, 2018 2:36 pm
    Yeah, but his way of expressing his "feelings" is wrong. He raped him, beat him, cheated on him. From my experience I can tell that people don't change... the main character is very sick so he's holding to the ... Fabytvxq

    I agree. It’s heartbreaking

    drmrr December 13, 2018 3:01 pm

    I agree

    Noctyxnis December 13, 2018 3:12 pm

    At this point, there's nothing to fix anymore. I can't pity someone who cheated for years. It's not like a one-night-mistake. The boyfriend's feelings are more like a mix of cupid possessiveness and misplaced jealousy

    Daisukisports December 13, 2018 4:58 pm

    Amidst the downvotes and disagreements you earned with your post, my stand is the same as you.

    If only I can kill his sickness... There would be a 0.00001% of making up. There's hope.

    (⊙…⊙ )
    ***mild spoiler alert***

    But now there's none because of what's about to come.