Recommendations Plz!!

Sabo December 12, 2018 5:23 am

A yaoi manga where the relationship between the seme and uke is so captivating that makes the audience read it all in one sitting. Not the mushy kind of romance, but a little more complex???

    Val December 12, 2018 5:37 am

    Totally captivated

    pigglypoof December 12, 2018 8:27 am

    Kobi no kyoujin

    clockworkerr0r December 13, 2018 2:03 am

    Love or Hate is a newer series, but to me it definitely has a captivating quality. The complex relationship between the main characters made it hard for me to stop reading. If you like drama series, and don't mind love triangle dynamics, I highly recommend trying it out!