Thank You Scanlator!

water_lily_ December 8, 2018 9:42 pm

Thank you so much for scanning this manga and bringing it to us! I don't care if it isn't 'properly cleaned' (which is so not true), I got to read a good manga and I thank you for that. You don't have to worry about your english! People who are reading the english scanlation should be proficient enough in the language that they understand the context of what is written. Keep up the good work!
Also, for the person who left that comment: if you are reading a manga on this site and that too the english scanlation (and not the raws) it means that you don't know japanese language so you should be grateful that someone else is making it easy for you to read the manga.

    nadya02 December 17, 2018 3:22 pm

    Yep I second this!! And thank you for saying it <3
    Thank you translator; you are a love <3