THANK YOU! It’s fine to like gay literature or watch gay porn or whatever. That is your choice, however once you start fetishising lgbtq+ people or couples in real life then it becomes an issue. The amount of men that have asked me extremely uncomfortable questions in real life is astonishing. I’m a very femme lesbian and there have been so many guys who have made sexual advances towards me even after I’ve told them my sexuality. Questions like, “when’s the last time you’ve slept with a guy?” “Do you want to have a three some?” “Maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet, Im here if you’re interested.” “Who’s the top/man in your relationship?” And many more are all things that I’ve been asked or questioned about. I’m sure that people don’t mean any harm by it but it’s extremely rude and uncomfortable to have to deal with.

Meh, not for the majority of gay people or lesbians. If you are not attracted to a male in a sexual sense you don’t really want to have sex with them no matter what the circumstances. Especially with your significant other involved. I’ve been asked that by so many of my guy friends or my female friend’s boyfriends. If it happened once or twice before than it wouldn’t be such a big problem but seeing how it’s been a reacting theme since I came out as a lesbian it’s been an issue and a lot of other lesbians have to expierience this too especially if you are more of a femme. It really feels as though people are using your sexuality as a fetish,
OKAY. Guys tend to be attarcted to lesbians, therefor it's okay for girls to like gay men.But the thing is, it is not okay to take your personal preferences and push it onto people in real life. Don't go around telling gay guys couples how cute they are and start fangirling over them. It makes them extremely uncomfortable. It's pretty much the same with lesbians, don't go and tell them how hot they are and ask to be in a threesome or some shit. It's just not okay. There's also that group of fangirls that obsess over how 'cute' trans guys are. First of all, that's actually extrememly rude. Secondly, trans guys are the same as normal guys, stop acting like they aren't. It's okay if you like guys who are a little feminine, but it is not okay to then take that out on trans guys. OKAY, I'm done ranting.