yes, its pedophilia December 6, 2018 11:48 pm

im not gonna discuss but im free to hear other opinions about this question (pedophilia or not) but i just saw so many comments about it so its not necessary cause i have alredy understood. Man, only him chasing after the boy, and trying to do something in the car with him (in this case was the wrong boy because he was confused who was the high schooler boy) IT IS PEDOPHILIA, guys. This blond man is ALREDY +18, and you know, he knows what he's doing SO FUCK the real concepts of it, he didn't have to go after high school students, ok? if it's relationated someone +18 with someone -18 (and even for the first meeting or if is not something innocent) , for me, my humble opinion, it's pedophilia and nothing thats gonna change my mind.

    youraedthiswrogn December 11, 2018 3:34 pm
    my kind personpedophilia is the common term used for the sexual interest on people above the age of consent if u want to talk about the other terms that different the age, they are technical terms for people wh... ritsu-sama

    PePedPedophilia is a term commonly misused by the younger generation because your schooling systems are failing you. Why don't you research the flaws in the logic "people don't understand that pedophilia has a specific age range and are commonly misusing it so i'm right", which is what you just said. Now quit dragging me back into this, it's been days. You aren't right and you're sitting here arguing with me with something as weak as that argument. Kisses or whatever.

    youraedthiswrogn December 11, 2018 3:35 pm
    PePedPedophilia is a term commonly misused by the younger generation because your schooling systems are failing you. Why don't you research the flaws in the logic "people don't understand that pedophilia has a ... youraedthiswrogn


    ritsu-sama December 12, 2018 3:13 am
    PePedPedophilia is a term commonly misused by the younger generation because your schooling systems are failing you. Why don't you research the flaws in the logic "people don't understand that pedophilia has a ... youraedthiswrogn

    see ya honey April 18, 2019 9:21 pm
    see ya honey ritsu-sama

    kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i love you thanks for exist and for that comment i laughed a lot omg
    its no use discuss it w ignorants

    youraedthiswrogn April 21, 2019 12:53 am
    my kind personpedophilia is the common term used for the sexual interest on people above the age of consent if u want to talk about the other terms that different the age, they are technical terms for people wh... ritsu-sama

    That's literally not an argument, you just told me I'm right, but with sass and a wink... as far as it being a "commin term", your argument is that a group of ignorant people incorrectly use a word, therefore that use is correct... enough said. Bottom line, factually "pedophile" and "pedophilia" are defined words with a correct way of use, you don't have an argument other than to tell me to "chill out" because you're a child who can't stand being wrong. You're arguing fact because you want to be right... without any actual argument either...

    youraedthiswrogn April 21, 2019 12:54 am
    That's literally not an argument, you just told me I'm right, but with sass and a wink... as far as it being a "commin term", your argument is that a group of ignorant people incorrectly use a word, therefore t... youraedthiswrogn

    Common*, "i" is next to "o" on the keyboard...