I wonder...

Mameiha December 6, 2018 7:06 pm

Just how many readers realized that the kid was an extreme masochist who would antagonize his father into beating him. His father likely beat him long before he became a masochist though and the father is also the very reason the kid became a masochist. If the only attention he received from his father was when he was being beaten, he would begin to find pleasure in the attention and eventually pleasure in the pain. The kid miscalculated when he antagonized the father too far and was stabbed. As for the vampire, he recognizes the masochistic tendencies in the kid, which is why the kid tries repeatedly to kill him. The kid knows it is impossible to kill the vampire, but he still antagonizes the vampire's wrath in order to gain the vampire's attention and the punishment he desires so much. The kid was programmed to be this way by the actions of his father from a young age. I doubt the kid really feels angry at the loss of his father, since the vampire took over the punishment and seemed to do a much better job at it. But it does make for a good excuse to antagonize the vampire.

In BDSM the kid would be considered a "brat" or a defiant masochist. This is someone who will incite and antagonize their sadist in order to receive punishment. The punishment is what the defiant masochist desires greatly. The more they fight back and antagonize, the harsher the punishment and this is precisely what the defiant masochist wants.

    Kagamibaka December 29, 2018 4:02 pm

    I realize at the last chapter..

    Noyasenpai January 11, 2019 4:46 am

    I just realized I was dumb after reading your comment

    Mameiha January 11, 2019 5:34 am
    I just realized I was dumb after reading your comment Noyasenpai

    You're not dumb at all. If you're not familiar with the goings on in BDSM there is really no way you can recognize something you've never seen or experienced before. I'm sure you did recognize that there was something off about the kid though. You just didn't know exactly what it was. Now you do. This is how we learn and why it is important to experience or at least see new things. Even if they are disturbing, that information can be added to your knowledge. Maybe you will never need it again or maybe it will come in handy later. Either way, you have it now. It is always better to have something and not need it than needing something and not have it.

    Kagamibaka January 11, 2019 11:03 am
    You're not dumb at all. If you're not familiar with the goings on in BDSM there is really no way you can recognize something you've never seen or experienced before. I'm sure you did recognize that there was so... Mameiha

    Wow ur reply really opens my eyes in many way!!! Aww thx for the explanation. And after all it like u said it better to know than not!! Cuz when someone use some words I don’t recognize and got explain later by someone else it felt ( funny and frustrated) ... better know beforehand..

    Mameiha January 11, 2019 5:46 pm
    Wow ur reply really opens my eyes in many way!!! Aww thx for the explanation. And after all it like u said it better to know than not!! Cuz when someone use some words I don’t recognize and got explain later ... Kagamibaka

    LOL When I was a kid I used to read the dictionary from cover to cover during school breaks. I did it for exactly the same reason you said. It feels frustrating to not know. Now that I am much older, I tutor young people in English. I love to help and I love to teach. Seeing a student use something I taught them, and use it confidently, makes me feel very happy. If you are ever confused about words in the future, feel free to ask me. I definitely won't think you're dumb and it will make me happy to help you.

    Kagamibaka January 12, 2019 6:59 am
    LOL When I was a kid I used to read the dictionary from cover to cover during school breaks. I did it for exactly the same reason you said. It feels frustrating to not know. Now that I am much older, I tutor yo... Mameiha

    Thx u!!! It really kind of u to spending ur time to teach and sharing... not many ppl willing to do so.. after all I’m getting old myself but still lacking in many way.. hahaha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:04 am
    Thx u!!! It really kind of u to spending ur time to teach and sharing... not many ppl willing to do so.. after all I’m getting old myself but still lacking in many way.. hahaha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Kagamibaka

    I'm ancient compared to most on this site, but I'll be learning something new until my last breath. Even now, at almost 50, I am learning Japanese. It makes me feel young at heart to learn new things.

    Kagamibaka January 12, 2019 7:27 am
    I'm ancient compared to most on this site, but I'll be learning something new until my last breath. Even now, at almost 50, I am learning Japanese. It makes me feel young at heart to learn new things. Mameiha

    Wow that the spirit u got there!!! I’m supporting u!!! U are so cool.. me too lazy but still want to know new things!!! Hahaha I think about learning Japanese as well.. but still don’t where I could learn.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:44 am
    Wow that the spirit u got there!!! I’m supporting u!!! U are so cool.. me too lazy but still want to know new things!!! Hahaha I think about learning Japanese as well.. but still don’t where I could learn..... Kagamibaka

    If you have an Android device - tablet or phone - there are tons of apps that teach Japanese. I use Human Japanese, Kanj Tree, Duo-lingo and Takoboto.

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:46 am
    Wow that the spirit u got there!!! I’m supporting u!!! U are so cool.. me too lazy but still want to know new things!!! Hahaha I think about learning Japanese as well.. but still don’t where I could learn..... Kagamibaka

    Also.. thanks for your kind words of support.

    Kagamibaka January 12, 2019 3:00 pm
    If you have an Android device - tablet or phone - there are tons of apps that teach Japanese. I use Human Japanese, Kanj Tree, Duo-lingo and Takoboto. Mameiha

    Wow what that? Is that all app name? And it nothing... I love how ppl can be straightforward for what they desire and go for it!!!! :)

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 5:37 pm
    Wow what that? Is that all app name? And it nothing... I love how ppl can be straightforward for what they desire and go for it!!!! :) Kagamibaka

    Those are all apps available on Google Play and they are all free. Human Japanese has a paid app that is more in depth, but their free app is good to get you started. I have the paid app. It was $20 USD, but it has been worth every penny! The creator of the app is actually a college Japanese Language professor and the lessons in the app feel just like a college course. They cover everything from the history of the language to the customs and culture of Japan as well as giving a detailed understanding of the language itself. You don't just learn a few phrases with Human Japanese, you learn how the language works so you can build your own sentences and phrases with your own thoughts, rather than relying on a phrase that you memorized. The way it teaches is easy to understand too. I love this app and I can't say enough good things about it. So, if you try it and want to use the paid app, contact me here through mail and I will help you get the paid version.

    Kagamibaka January 12, 2019 7:35 pm
    Those are all apps available on Google Play and they are all free. Human Japanese has a paid app that is more in depth, but their free app is good to get you started. I have the paid app. It was $20 USD, but it... Mameiha

    Oh my!! Thx again for the info I’ll see it.. ;)

    Mameiha January 12, 2019 7:54 pm
    Oh my!! Thx again for the info I’ll see it.. ;) Kagamibaka

    And, if you want to, I can be your study buddy in Japanese and English! (⌒▽⌒)

    Kagamibaka January 13, 2019 3:33 am
    And, if you want to, I can be your study buddy in Japanese and English! (⌒▽⌒) Mameiha

    Haha that would be great!! But I need to improve my English first.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Minion_of_Itachi18 January 28, 2019 8:39 am

    Thanks for your explanation. I understand it much better after reading your comment.

    Sugureta February 15, 2019 6:00 pm

    When you understand the mang without any explaination because of too much reading different genre of yaoi.

    What is happening to me! O_O

    Airena June 12, 2019 9:57 am

    One of the best comments around! I have not looked into bdsm roles and shit so I wouldn't know. But it was all clear in chapter 3 where he said that the words that came out of him was from pleasure. I think that explains everything so far. Now we just need some plot to advance.

    Usotsuki November 19, 2019 2:43 am

    156 upvotes and I gotta be the one who's thumb fucking slips. Sorry dude, your explanation was very insightful.

    Mameiha December 2, 2019 9:23 am
    156 upvotes and I gotta be the one who's thumb fucking slips. Sorry dude, your explanation was very insightful. Usotsuki

    I'll forgive you, but I'll have to spank you first. Is that what you were looking for? LOL