No, I know. It was in the first chapter right after discovering that the dude wasn't who he thought he was (like it wasn't bad enough being deceived, as you said), he immediately after said "let me go", and douche seme was all like "huuuh? We've come so far and u wanna stop? Fck it, imma gonna rape u" but that last part was subtext. Let's be safe, people, if you don't feel comfortable doing something and you say no, you should be listened to and respected, no matter the situation... and if you like the kinky play, make sure there is an agreement with the other party before hand, bondage and BDSM don't have rules for no reason.
This one I really liked. When there’s no rape or cheating.. I tend to enjoy it a lot. Yes there was bullying but since it wasn’t shown, it was easier to digest. Some misunderstandings.. that clear right up. Wasn’t stretched and was kinda sweet with a touch of comedy.
Suggest u should definitely read.. it’s sorta a fluff piece. Anything that makes your heart all warm at the end, is good. Absolutely enjoyed it.