Is this manga here?
fluff !!!
please help... again
Recs pleasee
Hi help me find this manga
Looking for manwha bl
stories like the oizza man and the gold palace pls
Bl Recs!!
Please give me any fantasy manhwa recs with badass or strong female mc. Any...
Hey, looking for a manga except explaining out the plot line made me realise it sounds generic af, but it was so good!
Two boys in high school, MC's a bit of a ho (dark haired) sleeps around and is emotionally distant. Ends up becoming low-key friends with the other boy (long blonde hair) after he catches him having sex with their school nurse. Anyway - the main boy slowly falls in love with the other, they always hang out on the roof and he has a passion for guitar and music. Drama ensues, they don't end up together - but there's a time skip, the main boy is now in a band and the other dude is a photographer who coincidentally gets booked to do a shoot or something for the MC's band.
I'm pretty sure it got dropped, but would love to read it again it was really sweet!