looking for shoujo manga I read a while back

Kaleidocat December 4, 2018 8:05 am

I remember (back in the day when Borders bookstore was still around) there was this shoujo manga I picked off the shelf and started reading and kinda liked it. It goes smething like this:

A girl in high school (can't remember if she had black hair or light hair) is all nice and then she helps this guy (who had black hair) for club activities/work idk. The guy looked scary/intimidating-looking to others but he was actually quiet and a nice guy. She would be the only one helping him out I think since he was a guy who didn't really talk to others or had trouble making friends cause of his scary appearance.
I remember distinctly he asks her out one day on the spot and she is blushing and though she doesn't really have romantic interest (yet) in him, she says yes out of intimidation/fear because he's looking at her very intently and she's scared that if she said no, he would get mad and hurt her or something. But actually, after she says yes, the guy smiles in relief and says something like "phew, I'm glad, I was worried/there was nothing for me to worry about hehe." and she's taken aback by his smile and change in persona cause he never smiles and that response was unexpected. I remember he asked her shortly after out of curiosity why she said yes if she doesn't really wanna go out with him, and she says something like 'I had to cause you were so scary looking and I was afraid of saying no'. Hearing this, the guy says something a little somewhat teasing like "i know, I made sure to look like that so you wouldn't be able to refuse me." so basically it was a ploy to get her to say yes xD

I know my description is very vague, but I would be really really REALLY happy if someone were to tell me it. It had been MANY years since I first saw it on the shelf. THANK YOU! (●'◡'●)ノ
