Why are people here so against a relationship between cousins? Dude, i dont know if it's ...

AyumiVk December 4, 2018 7:07 am

Why are people here so against a relationship between cousins?
Dude, i dont know if it's only here or not, but in my country you can marry even if you are cousins. Actually, i had a friend in middle school whose parents were cousins, lol

    JunglePeach December 30, 2018 7:12 pm
    As i said before, scientists already confirmed that between COUSINS their children dont come with problems, its up to the people to believe in that or not though. AyumiVk

    ......no....scientists have proven that with first cousins there is always a risk of abnormalities/brain damage and/or mental illness when inbreeding and having a child..the only thing scientists have said is that its less of a risk than brother and sister. Statistically it has even been shown that those who end up having normal children can even put grand children at risk of retardation or birth defects... but..its only continued because of the cultural background. Other than that it is considered taboo in most other countries due to the risks.

    JunglePeach December 30, 2018 7:14 pm
    As i said before, scientists already confirmed that between COUSINS their children dont come with problems, its up to the people to believe in that or not though. AyumiVk

    i dont mean to be rude in any way, i just wanted to imput as i live in south africa and my brother is a doctor here. it happens often that people have children by first cousin and even rape cases where their brothers and fathers give them children. in the cases of first cousin there are many many problems with the children. Of course not all of them but more than you would think.

    TaylorTsum July 4, 2019 3:12 pm

    I think if you want to get with your cousin that’s up to you. Personally to me I wouldn’t cause I just feel uncomfterable with that but if you can more power to you. I do think the story mentioned that they were cousins a little TOO late but whatever.

    Rakshasa July 5, 2019 1:48 pm
    ......no....scientists have proven that with first cousins there is always a risk of abnormalities/brain damage and/or mental illness when inbreeding and having a child..the only thing scientists have said is t... JunglePeach

    If the reason of "incest" between cousins or not is the risk of abnormalities, mental illness, ecc of children born from it, why discuss about it upon a yaoi? I don't get that.... they are man, they CAN'T have children. (⊙…⊙ )

    _Lysandre_ July 8, 2019 4:55 am
    Maybe because they love each other? They may be related but are not sons of the same parents and its proven children of cousins dont come with health issues just because of that. AyumiVk

    Actually, it is proved that they do.

    yaoianimes August 3, 2019 11:33 pm

    if there’s a single ounce DNA that’s similar to ITS A FAT no.

    AyumiVk August 4, 2019 4:03 am
    if there’s a single ounce DNA that’s similar to ITS A FAT no. yaoianimes

    care to explain why?

    yaoianimes August 4, 2019 12:46 pm
    care to explain why? AyumiVk

    first of all wtf that’s disgusting and incestral second it causes birth defects

    AyumiVk August 5, 2019 12:54 am
    first of all wtf that’s disgusting and incestral second it causes birth defects yaoianimes

    your first argument is invalid because that's your opinion and isn't based on actual logic, the second is just stupid. You know all people are related by DNA right?

    Miara August 21, 2019 2:16 pm
    considering i call my cousin's parents aunt and uncle aka theyre related to me through one of my parents, ill pass. theres like 7 billion people in the world, why settle with someone related to you? narumaki

    I agree, cousins are family we shouldn't set our eyes on our own blood

    Takumi December 8, 2019 9:09 pm
    considering i call my cousin's parents aunt and uncle aka theyre related to me through one of my parents, ill pass. theres like 7 billion people in the world, why settle with someone related to you? narumaki

    Actually in my country or religion, you can marry your cousin who are NOT your first cousins. You can marry your second cousins or more distant ones. But you can't marry any cousin from your mother's side. So when people say, cousins who are married, they are actually very distant relatives so it doesn't even matter.

    yaoianimes December 9, 2019 1:26 am
    your first argument is invalid because that's your opinion and isn't based on actual logic, the second is just stupid. You know all people are related by DNA right? AyumiVk

    okay boomer you wanna stick yourself into your cousin by all means go ahead you weird ass nasty

    AyumiVk December 10, 2019 4:53 am
    okay boomer you wanna stick yourself into your cousin by all means go ahead you weird ass nasty yaoianimes

    Wew did i say i was talking about myself? I just made the comment because in my country almost everyone doesnt make such a deal about it like americans and what not.
    Also if you were gonna stop replying then why did you start it again after months? Lmao

    Leon February 9, 2020 5:00 am

    I mean I could care less it's their life their choice I agree with you if they love each other so what it has nothing to do with us anyway

    seagull May 2, 2020 11:13 pm
    okay boomer you wanna stick yourself into your cousin by all means go ahead you weird ass nasty yaoianimes

    you are creepier with that kind of thinking

    Ayumi May 6, 2020 9:38 am

    K, I'm muting this

    wavership June 16, 2021 5:12 am

    As long as its healthy and queerplatonic, Im with you