y'know [this is out of context]

Nana December 4, 2018 4:30 am

I just realized... how are they even paying for their food, water, and electricity bills? Both of them don't even work. Bum even had to borrow money from someone. Sangwoo literally just stay at home all paranoid. I'm assuming it's from insurance.

    Notime4awatch December 4, 2018 4:41 am

    I was thinking the same thing. Sangwoo, must have alot of money saved up, plus the insurance from his parents death, and the money, he managed to get back from dropping out of school.

    Still though...they spent a great deal of money on the trip, not to mention... Sangwoo got that new car.

    Oh well, life in comics sure is different...lol.

    ShogunHogan December 4, 2018 5:43 am

    Probably got paid from the police officer assaulting him pretty damn well. Victims of police brutality have gotten millions in reparations, those who survive it at least.