
Kat December 2, 2018 4:08 pm

I feel like the plot really has potential but the cousins thing and the age gap really doesn’t sit too well with me. It just doesn’t seem consensual...

    Zephyr Nyx December 3, 2018 2:13 am

    What part of one of them throwing hemselves at the other and the other accepting isn't consensual?
    I mean it also is very clear that they've met before and Nagi has received a pop from him before and possibly pointing to a previous big crush on the main character.
    I get you think it's dubious but like, cousins in most parts of the world aren't incest so...get over it

    Kat December 4, 2018 6:14 am

    Well it’s not really the throwing themselves at each other part that bothers me. It’s more the younger, impressionable character (who I’m assuming is probably a minor) is implied to be fucking the older character because he feels obligated to. I don’t know, the biggest part for me is literally as you said— it’s dubious. I like my consent crisp and clear, I don’t know about you. But go off I guess.
    Also if you have the hots for your cousins no need to be horny on main sis spare me the deets and keep the fetishes on the DL

    Mari017 December 7, 2018 6:30 am
    Well it’s not really the throwing themselves at each other part that bothers me. It’s more the younger, impressionable character (who I’m assuming is probably a minor) is implied to be fucking the older c... Kat

    Irl it would be dubious, but for God's sake, this is a manga, is fiction, the characters are mature and honest, we know what they really think, their feelings are real. In real life of course, it isn't like that, people are not so honest. Just separate real life and manga and you'll be happy, this story is beautiful.

    Zephyr Nyx December 8, 2018 12:43 am

    Either way it's not dubious due to the meanings of age of consent and the way they view younger people as being their own people and having more responsibilities at a much younger age means they treat teens as most ppl would treat 20 somethings

    It's different there, and without the correct context, and with just taking the definition of these things as you know it to be without looking beyond your scope of societal norms, it's honestly a very uncultured outlook on this story.
    Also if that's the way you feel then please just stop reading yaoi manga or any having to do with any sort of flirting or any of those things, comments like these just show how ignorant ppl can be and are rather annoying. Please educate yourself before fighting against what an author has written especially if they're from another part of the world.

    Kat December 8, 2018 1:49 pm

    Y’all both can defend dubious consent til you’re blue in the face, but I still won’t fucking enjoy it. I don’t get what sort of power trip you’re going on here but I hope to god neither of you are ever sexually assaulted and having to be haunted by your fucked up definitions of consent. I’m drawing the line here because I really don’t feel like arguing with 14 year olds on what I think it right in a yaoi manga. Please get off your high horse and go read some other shit instead of wasting your time trying to tell me to “read up on other cultures” because you think that sex doesn’t have to be consensual in all parts of the world (because that is really fucked up) hope you both have a nice life.

    Zephyr Nyx December 8, 2018 5:36 pm

    sweetie I was actually a child prostitute because .y mother sold me off
    Have had cousins of the family I was adopted into rape me
    Have had Christian school headmaster also do the same
    Photographers come after me predatorially
    People I thought were my friends pin me down against my will


    Thank you have a nice evening.

    fromage January 3, 2019 10:35 am
    Pfffthahasweetie I was actually a child prostitute because .y mother sold me offHave had cousins of the family I was adopted into rape meHave had Christian school headmaster also do the samePhotographers come a... Zephyr Nyx

    uhhh when the standards of other countries are actively harming children it is grounds for criticism. wtf are you on??? a 13 yr old in america is a 13 yr old in japan. theyre both literally children and cant give consent. do you defend what happened to you happening to other innocent children? do you defend child marriages and honor killings in the middle east?? disgusting.