the only good thing about this manga is kei the asshole whore brother killed himself and d...

ninou December 1, 2018 2:21 am

the only good thing about this manga is kei the asshole whore brother killed himself and died miserably!yeah just ruin yr family, mother and brother who was just a normal happy high school and why?cause he wants to have sex with him!god i wish he wouldve suffered more when he died

    theatertragedy December 6, 2018 6:51 pm

    I assume you are young but Please think before you write a comment, cause suicide/depression and self-descrutive behavior is a serious psychological condition and/or mental illness. This character knew something was wrong with him, he hated himself and felt disgusted of himself. Sexual harrasment from a very very young age was probably making his mental state worse. You have no idea what depression and mental illness can cause for a person, especally a teenager. I’m NOT for/into Incest, but I would never say a person deserve to suffer a horrible death, when they obviously already suffered inside. I still remember when I found out when my friend’s brother died when he commited suicide 11 years ago and how he suffered before and during his death and it is not something I wish for anyone!

    Torian December 27, 2018 2:51 am

    What a cold, heartless person you must be. Have you not one compassionate bone in your body ? Do you not understand or feel any empathy ? I truly feel sorry for you. Your post is so very sad. Perhaps when you grow up, you'll have a better understanding of depression and psychological dysfunction, and you will become a better person for it.