It's interesting to see these characters just in general. The fact that the characters are messed up is what makes it interesting. It's cool to see how they interact to thei environment and to the situations they end up in. Don't get me wrong I love fluff but sometimes it just gets boring, not saying that this kinda stuff doesn't get repetitive either just in a different way. I would say the same thing about other BL manga horror authors like Harada, they presents the events through the perspective of the person we normal don't see through. Idk some people probably like it for some weird ass reason but I just think it's a cool story. Just a personal thing but honestly I don't care how 'messed up' the story is, as long as it has a compelling plot and/or characters, I'm down.
I'm genuinely curious about this
Why do people like killing sfalking so much when the characters are so mess up?