I have to admit

tomokokuroki November 27, 2018 8:10 am

I have to admit I sorta liked Bum's high school friend's reappearance and still kind of do (even after she practically signed Bum's death certificate) cause she stood up against that (asshole) Sangwoo whether for herself or for Bum but m'sorry Sangwoo just needs a bitch slap once in a while. Also she became a sort of hopeful spark that I thought "yes Bum is gonna make it and leave" but idk anymore rn. AND OOOO0H BUT BABY I LOVED BUM STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF LIKE YASSS MY SON GROW♡♡ ALSO YA'THINK BUM'S GETTIN TIRED OF PUTTIN UP WITH SANGWOO'S SHIT OR THEIR JUST USED/COMFORTABLE ENOUGH WITH EACH OTHER BY NOW?? TBH I'M JUST HAPPY BUM IS BECOMING MORE ASSERTIVE(?) Ok but I just realized Sangwoo might actually kill him now so uh yeah I'm sweatin right about now...L(°Д °;)

    Poppy November 27, 2018 10:10 am

    I don’t think sangwoo would kill bum, seing how obsessed he’s becoming with him. But he might lock him up

    DoesThisCountAsCheating November 27, 2018 10:49 am

    Agree! Even if don't really like her as a character, she definitely showed some girlballs!! And it's kinda sad to see how brittle Sangwoo's power has become... I'm SO FKNG excited what'll happen next!!