Well damn! It's nice to see someone who uses their head for something besides a place to put their hat. I agree that the police detective and his wife would be better than the esper and his lover, but they are not the optimal couple for an abused child either. A police detective's working hours are hardly 9 to 5. So, the wife bears the burden of raising the children alone a lot. Not completely, but often. They also already have two small children to think of as well. I have to agree with your last statement. A kind, loving couple or family with the stability and dedication needed to help the child through his therapy and dealing with his trauma would be the best outcome for the child. He has been through enough. Now he needs to be the center of attention for the love and support his new parents can give him.
I see a lot of people wanting the detective to adopt the kid, but think about how that would work. He would never be able to hug the kid or give him affection, and every time they did touch, he would become overwhelmed by the kid's trauma. Even knowing about the mind reading, it would be like a rejection each time the detective pulled away. While it would be nice for the policeman and his wife to adopt the kid, having him live with a stable family and get into therapy would probably be the better choice for the long run.