When Aihara (bottom-right p...

t8nt3d November 29, 2018 6:20 am
When Aihara (bottom-right panel) was asking Takase if he's leading, he uses the term "亭主関白"... translates to him asking if Takase's the domineering/chauvinistic husband. lol. I am living for Aihara just teasing the shit out of Takase.

I wouldn't have read this without the karami--I mean the existence of the BLCD, and boi it didn't disappoint. I'll take from the words of All Might: "Hori shitto!" Perfect casting. Well-acted. They elevated the cliché-ful story so I definitely recommend listening (like, it'd probably help to hear Takase being imperious and rude, too).
